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A Letter from the Rector
‘Lest We Forget’
This November the world will mark, with silence, the ending of the two World Wars and other conflicts. In our contemplation many will reflect on the legacy of our forebears who sacrificed their lives in the service of their country.
My own reflection won’t let me escape the fact that the Great War was to be ‘the war to end all wars’ but how the once familiar warning ‘Lest we forget,’ that had been cemented into the public sentiment, was soon forgotten. That warning, ignored, did help to lead the world into even greater, more deadly conflicts.
However, the notion behind ‘Lest we forget’ is a good one; it is forged with a hope that if humanity could hold in its collective memory the experience of the horror, then we would never go there again. This ideology can be seen in the Poppy which symbolises beauty a delicacy over familiar images of war death and destruction.
It is strange then that the act of remembering is observed in just one moment’s silent reflection; this is ordinarily fitted into the course of an otherwise ordinary day; but the hope or belief is, that if done properly and reverentially, this will be sufficient for purpose.
This year is far from ordinary with the alarming increase in conflict across the world. The opportunity to reflect in the way that has become custom, but for a minute, seems to be taken away from us by the increasing nonchalance of so many people in our society year on year.
Christians, in the act of taking Holy Communion, do so, not to forget the sacrifice made by God through His Son, Jesus. It is, after all, within the mystery of communion where God continues to save all humanity. In that mystery He impels us collectively and individually to remember and to respond to the notion that to be Christians is to be peacemakers within our world.
Therefore, to be silenced is not just keeping the memory alive but is an act to bring change into a fearful world; a change that has to be both personal and public. So, do please remember the sacrifices that have been made on our behalf but bring that thought, that spirit, back into our world to help us to become the ambassadors of peace so to ensure that it can never happen again.
Do reflect in silence on the beauty of the poppy but stand upright in the shadow of giants knowing that it was never in vain. For we shall never let it happen again… ‘Lest we forget!’
Rev Barry
Diary: St Peter & St Paul, Saltwood
Our regular pattern of worship includes a service every Sunday at 10am. Usually this is Holy Communion (to which all are welcome, whether or not you choose to receive communion) with a Family Service on the fourth Sunday of each month. Other services of Holy Communion, including ‘Book of Common Prayer’ services at Saltwood and Pedlinge, are shown on the website calendar, along with all services and events for the month.
Sunday Club, for children aged 3 – 10 is held at 10am in the Lads’ Club, on the fist and third Sundays in term time.
November 2023
Some highlights for your diary:-
Wednesday 1st | 10.00 – 11.30 14.30 | Saltwood Toddlers in the Lads’ Club – and each following Wednesday Afternoon Prayer Group at 34 Harpswood Lane |
Thursday 2nd | 19.00 | Choir practice – and each following Thursday |
Friday 3rd | 09.00 | Prayer in the Church – and each following Friday |
Saturday 4th | 10.00 – 12.00 | Churches Together Coffee Morning at 101 High Street |
Monday 6th | 14.00 | Monday Chats in the Lads’ Club – and each following Monday |
Wednesday 8th | 14.00 | Saltwood Cinema Club in the Lads’ Club |
Sunday 12th | 10.00 | Remembrance service followed by Act of Remembrance on the Green |
Saturday 18th | 10.30 15.45 | Coffee morning at Lympne church MESSY CHURCH at the Lads’ Club |
Friday 4th | N.B. | Last date for items for the December magazine |
Items for the December Magazine
If you have any items for the December edition of the magazine, please forward to Beth Lewsey, by: 24th October
by email if possible, to: parishmagazine@saltwoodchurch.org
or deliver to 20 Castle Avenue. (Tel 01303 264577)
Useful Contacts
Rector – Rev Barry Knott: Telephone: 01303 883243 email: rev.barry@icloud.com
Church website: www.saltwoodchurch.org
Community Support Hub: 01303 269602
Parish Pastoral Support: 0300 030 1330
Children & Families Ministry (including weddings and baptisms) – Christine Clover:
Telephone: 0300 030 1662 email: christineclover@lympneandsaltwoodchurches.uk
Lads’ Club Bookings: Jan Heard 01303 266945 email: jan.entendu@gm
Parish Magazine: Beth Lewsey 01303 264577 email: parishmagazine@saltwoodchurch.org
From the Parish Records
Congratulations to:
Rosalind Powell and Nathan Hazledene, who were married at Pedlinge on 29th September
Intercessions for November
Today we pray especially for:
1 Those who live in Turnpike Hill, Britten Close and Spanton Crescent
2 Those sustaining the prayer life of our Church
3 St Mary the Virgin Elham
4 Those who minister in our residential homes
5 Those who maintain our community
6 Those who live in Rectory Lane and Victoria Place
7 Sunday Club
8 Bob and Barry, our area Deans
9 Our local GPs
10 Justin, Archbishop of Canterbury
11 Those who live in Old London Road, Redbrooks Way, Summer Close and Sunny Bank
12 Those unable to attend church, thinking particularly of those known to you
13 The homeless, thinking particularly of those known to you
14 Brockhill Park Performing Arts College – staff and pupils
15 St Martin’s Cheriton, All Soul’s Cheriton and St Nicholas Newington
16 Those who live in Grange Road and School Road
17 The work of the Church Army
18 Those who seek Christ
19 Residential and nursing homes – their staff and residents
20 Our Church Wardens and Welcome teams
21 Those who live in Castle Avenue, Lookers Lane and Quarry Road
22 Those who represent us – in parish, district and county councils and in Parliament
23 Those who help lead our worship
24 Those parts of the world suffering from natural disasters and all those seeking to relieve the suffering these cause
25 St Leonard’s Hythe, St Michael’s Anglican and Methodist Centre and Holy Cross Palmarsh
26 Those who live in Brockhill Road and Seaton Avenue
27 The armed forces and their families
28 The Folkestone Rainbow Centre
29 Those coping with debt and unemployment, thinking particularly of those known to you
30 Those who live in Blue House Lane, Sandy Lane and the A20, Saltwood
A Prayer for the month of November
Just as the leaves fall and the trees are laid bare, so may we be stripped of our defences this November.
Strip us from our doubts and insecurities.
Strip us from self-loathing.
Strip us from feeling defeated.
Strip us from being lost.
Guide our ways and point us to the light that never fades.
So that a dark, November night can be our healing and our balm.
Amen.(Courtesy of Prayerlist.com)
Wardens’ Corner
From John Campbell:
Hearing Aid Loop Settings
I would like to remind all those on the readers and intercessions roster, indeed anyone who might speak from the lectern for any reason, that if you are wearing hearing aids, please make sure they are not on the loop setting while at the lectern. This will avoid electronic feedback being amplified through the sound system.
Hooba Family Services
I would like to encourage people to attend the Hooba Family Services. The reduction in congregation size on those days is stark. But what does the scripture say? It says, “And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.” (Hebrews 10:24-25)
Please notice that we are to stir up love and good works, and to exhort one another. This instruction envelops a rebuke – do not forsake assembling together, as is the manner of some.
If we think we are above the child-centred delivery of the family service, or that the only service worth making an effort to attend is Holy Communion, then we deceive ourselves. We are not to forsake assembling together, which in plain English means going to church. We might not understand, but there is a grace associated with the family of God meeting together, and most of us need as much grace as we can get .
Our Christian walk is one of discipleship and being discipled. And that means obedience to the word of God.
Please check your hearts before God, and join us for every family service if you’re able to.
God bless you all
From Carol Eastell:
Churches Together on Saturday 4 November, 10 – 12 at 101 in the High Street. St Leonards Church hosting. Drop in for coffee, cake and a chat with church family members from around Hythe.
Prayer Meetings
Sundays at 9 40 am for a few minutes before the service in Saltwood Church in Saltwood Church
Fridays at 9am in Saltwood Church
Please note the following for November:
Afternoon Prayer on Wednesday 1 November, 2 30pm at the home of Penny Forsythe, 34 Harpswood Lane. Lots to pray for so do come and of course bring your own prayer requests.
Our Evening Prayer Group is suspended for the moment but watch this space as we are planning a monthly short prayer course with prayer and praise to be held in the Lads’ Club one afternoon.
Meanwhile, do not forget that the Prayer Support Group are very pleased to offer individual prayer support from the quiet of their own home. This group has been ongoing for many years and the prayer-ers are very committed to this task, although it is a bit different in that they do not meet to pray together. This is for anybody who has a need and most especially for urgent requests. And as always prayer requests are treated confidentially. Carol will be pleased to pass requests on to the Group (07795 100 441).
Postage Stamps
I am still collecting postage stamps for a missionary society – The Intercontinental Church Society, who for the past 200 years have provided churches and clergy
for English speaking people around the world. People don’t send letters so much these days and postage is so expensive, but hopefully at Christmas I will have a lot to send for such a good cause. Thank you for your support.
Beryl Bazin
In war, whichever side may call itself the victor, there are no winners, but all are losers.
– Neville Chamberlain
Mankind must put an end to war, or war will put an end to mankind. – John F Kennedy
Parish Giving Scheme
Some time ago the Diocese decided that they could no longer afford to process gift-aid recoveries for the parishes and discontinued this facility from 6.4.2023. This meant it had to be processed by the Parish Treasurers. They did however provide a no cost facility for us to use the Parish Giving Scheme set up by the Church Commissioners
The PCC approved joining the Parish Giving Scheme some time ago, but no action was taken until such time as we had the opportunity to see it working ourselves and how it worked in other parishes.
In the meantime we decided to process gift aid giving ourselves as, even if we used the Parish Giving Scheme, we would have to continue processing GASDS, envelope giving and one-off donations ourselves and recognised that not everyone likes Direct Debits and preferred to use bankers’ orders.
The Finance Committee have been reviewing the Parish Giving Scheme using our own experience where one or two donors in the Parish have signed up, The Treasurer having talked to other parish treasurers and discussions the Secretary had with St Martin and St Paul, Canterbury.
We have concluded that the Parish Giving Scheme system works very well, will save the Treasurer considerable time and improves the speed at which gift-aided donations are received and tax recovered. In addition there will be a saving in bank charges with a smaller number of receipts coming through our accounts each month instead of the current 90+. In addition there is a facility to automatically increase the giving by a set % each year instead of having to review giving at regular intervals.
We are going to contact all gift aided regular givers with full information on the Parish Giving Scheme and ask them to consider switching to make their donations via Parish Giving Scheme as from 1st December 2023.
Whilst we hope as many as possible will change to the new system, it is not mandatory and you can remain on your current method of giving if you so wish. Laurie Maxfield
Saltwood Cinema Club
Will be showing
‘‘To Olivia”
on Wednesday 8th November
at 2pm at the Lads’ Club
The story of the tumultuous marriage between actress Patricia Neal and renowned writer Roald Dahl.
Starring Hugh Bonneville as Roald Dahl and Keeley Hawes as Patricia Neal
Cost £5 per person to include tea and cake
All proceeds to the Lads’ Club Funds
December Dates for your Diary
Plan ahead – do make a note of these special events!
- Sunday 3rd December 5pm- Advent Evensong – Saltwood
- Sunday 10th December 4pm – A Traditional Service of Lessons and Carols – Pedlinge Chapel
- Tuesday 12th December 7.30pm – Carols on the Green
- TBA – A Traditional Service of Lessons and Carols
- Sunday 17th December 1pm – Live Nativity – Lympne
- Sunday 17th December 2.30pm – Saltwood Choral Society Concert
- Thursday 21st December 7pm, Carols in the Courtyard – Lympne Castle
- Sunday 24th December 4.30pm – Crib Service
- Sunday 24th December 11.30pm – Midnight Mass – both churches.
- Christmas Day 8am – Holy Communion BCP – Pedlinge Chapel
- Christmas Day 10am – Hooba Family Christmas
- Sunday 14th January 4.30pm – Christingle with Bonfire and Bangers
St Stephen’s Lympne
Services and Events in November
2nd | Funeral | 12.00 |
3rd | Wedding | 14.00 |
5th | Parish Communion | 11.00 |
7th | Lympne Airfield History Society | 19.30 |
12th | Hooba Family Service led by Sunday Club | 11.00 |
18th | Coffee Morning | 10.30 – 12.30 |
19th | Parish Communion / Morning Worship | 11.00 |
26th | Parish Communion | 11.00 |
Meets at The Lads’ Club, Rectory Lane, Saltwood, CT21 4QA,
10-11am during term time.
We have a wonderful time with all sorts of art & crafts and cooking, games and lots of drama. Fun groups for children aged 3-10 years. New faces are always very welcome.
For more information ring: Christine Clover on 0300 0301662,
text: 07379 877846 or email: christineclover@lympneandsaltwoodchurches.uk.
A very enjoyable evening with ploughman’s platters and a wide variety of delicious home-made desserts, all eaten to the music of New Frontier. Our thanks go to the organisers and everyone who helped and supported in whatever way. We are delighted to report that we raised, after expenses, £570.00. Thank you everyone.
Would you be able to spend a couple of hours or so, say once a month or less, to go on a rota to help keep our lovely church clean and welcoming? You can work alone or with others, at a time to suit you. In addition, a couple of times a year, we organise a bigger group to carry out a deeper clean before Easter and Christmas.
If you would like to help, or for further information, please email fionajarvest22@gmail.com
We need more people to help us plan and organise events to raise money for the general maintenance of the church (always needed) plus the purchase of the chairs to replace the tired old benches, and towards supporting a variety of charities. It’s fun and a way to socialise and get to know more people. If you would like to get involved please email fionajarvest22@gmail.com
At our AGM in October thanks were given to our hardworking committee for a very varied programme of events. We were delighted that Jill Page was willing and happy to continue as Chair and the committee were also happy to continue, with one addition. Annual subs have increased to £30 to cover the cost of hiring the hall, increasing fees of speakers and any additional expenses. Following the AGM we enjoyed glasses of fizz and cake and an always enjoyable opportunity to chat and catch up.
Our next meeting is on 9 November when we will be learning how to make a Christmas Angel from an old paperback book. Intriguing!
Lympne Fellowship normally meets at 1.15pm in the Harry Margary Hall on the 2nd Thursday of the month, with a programme of interesting and informative talks and activities. For further information about our group, please contact Jill Page on 07846 819693
Coffee at St Stephen’s
SATURDAY 18th November
10.30am – 12.30pm
- Come and join us for coffee, cakes and savoury bakes in the tranquility of our beautiful church with stunning views over Romney Marsh.
- Take a break while out for that walk (well-behaved dogs welcome)
- Catch up with old friends and new, browse through our books
(donations of novels always appreciated)
Proceeds to maintenance of the church plus a donation to this month’s nominated charity:
(Fighting Human Trafficking)
Nativity procession at Lympne
SHAL: Studying History and Archaeology in Lympne
Andy Linklater returned to SHAL’s October meeting with a comprehensive presentation on ‘Bygone Kent in Pictures’ from 1940s/50s. He asserted how Kent was rightly named the Garden of England with its widespread, large orchards and a flourishing hop cultivation, with their oast houses, for the brewing industry. Agriculture was dominant involving ploughing and harvesting, sheep shearing, farriers and blacksmiths for the many horses undertaking heavy work on the land. Interestingly, the farmers and their labourers were smartly dressed and usually wore flat caps. For 200 years from the late 18th century Kent produced the finest willow cricket bats, made in West Malling. The sea and rivers also employed significant numbers in fishing and repairing nets. By the 20th century shipbuilding had declined, although Chatham Dockyard continued making silk national flags to any country. Water sports, notably speed boats, became popular as the tourist industry grew, and coastal places such as the holiday resorts of Margate, Herne Bay and Folkestone were completely full in the two weeks when manufacturers shut down for their annual holidays. Shops traded in specialist goods and services, and were all staffed with men and women providing a face to face personal service.
Andy’s glimpse at the variety of activities and occupations was a fascinating insight into the golden days of the late 40s and 50s, and the photos depicted the relief and joy after World War II in building a more hard-working and prosperous society.
Our next meeting on Tuesday 21 November will be talk by local speaker, Vince Williams, on places of worship in Folkestone that have disappeared or been converted.
Castle Green WI
After weeks (or so it seemed) of warm sunny weather Friday October 13th, 2023, was dull, chilly and rainy but the forty-one members and eight guests who made their way to The Lads’ Club were in high spirits because it was Castle Green WI’s 50th birthday.
President Julie Andrews welcomed everyone and thanked Mary Wheatley for the celebratory flower arrangement and Kate Dilks who had made two birthday cakes. A traditional iced and decorated fruit cake and a gluten free sponge cake. Apologies were accepted and the record of the last meeting was approved and signed. Julie then welcomed two new members on our special day.
Subgroups The Book Group, Knit and Natter Group and Walking Group held meetings in October. The Lunch Club will meet at Lido Bon Vino at the Sandgate Hotel on Wednesday 15th November 12.30 for 1pm. The menu is on the website: https://castlegreenwi.org.uk/lunch-club.
The Patchwork Group will meet at Julie’s house on 10th November at 2.30pm. Two members of the Patchwork group, Dee and Christine displayed a table runner the group have made depicting the four seasons and which with four placemats will be raffled with proceeds going to the Air Ambulance.
Having dealt with the business part of the meeting Julie invited five previous Presidents, Gill Roffey, Kate Dilks, Jean Lewis, Margaret Gradden and Margaret Alcock to join her for a photograph with the cakes. We then settled back to enjoy cake and Prosecco served by Elisa and her team. There was a display of past photo albums and a slide show on the screen of photos of our more recent activities and meetings.
The second half of the morning was given over to Jeff and Sylvia Wagner who entertained us with a modern Magic Lantern show. Jeff explained the history of Magic Lantern Shows and presented a series of short films with varying themes. All the photographs used had been taken by Jeff and Sylvia who are very talented. Romany Cowans gave the vote of thanks which was heartily endorsed by all present. This celebratory meeting was a time to look back and a time to look forward.
The next meeting will be on Friday November 10th at 10am in The Lads’ Club. This will be a craft meeting with a Christmas theme led by members of the committee. We are open for new members to join us. https://castlegreenwi.org.uk/
Margaret Alcock
Finishing with a smile…
… Little Alex was staring up at the large brass plaque that hung on the side wall of the church. The plaque was covered with names, and it seemed to fascinate the seven-year-old.
“All those names,” he said to the minister. “Who are they?”
“Well, they were people who used to go to this church,” explained the minister. “This is a memorial to all the young men and women who died in the services.”
Soberly, they stood together, staring at the large plaque.
Little Alex’s voice was barely audible when he asked, “Which service, the 9 o’clock, or the 11 o’clock?”