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Letter from the Rector
Dear All,
As the summer days begin to wane, we find ourselves on the threshold of a new academic year, an exciting time filled with fresh opportunities, growth, and new beginnings. New beginnings provide a chance to leave behind past challenges and embrace opportunities for renewal. This can be invigorating and motivating. They often inspire individuals to set new goals and aspirations. Whether personal or professional, this is a time to envision what one wants to achieve. Embracing new beginnings encourages learning and personal development. It’s a chance to acquire new skills, gain experiences, and evolve as an individual. New beginnings can prompt reflection on past experiences and lessons learned. Gratitude for past challenges can pave the way for a positive outlook on the future. Sharing new beginnings with friends, family and communities fosters connections. Celebrating milestones together can enhance the experience and create lasting memories. New beginnings often require adapting to change. Cultivating resilience and a positive mindset can help navigate transitions more smoothly. New beginnings remind us that every ending can lead to a new chapter, filled with possibilities. The journey of starting anew often leads to deeper self-discovery. It’s an opportunity to explore one’s values, passions, and desires.
With the start of a new academic year, students are returning to the classroom, teachers are preparing lesson plans, and families are settling into new routines. It’s a time to embrace change, foster curiosity, and nurture our dreams. In our parish, we encourage everyone, young and old, to view this season as a chance to set new goals, deepen our faith, and strengthen our community ties. And so, in our reflection, we review what it is that we have been doing: how we might move forward in that or start something new.
As we embark on this new academic year, this new season, we also encourage everyone to consider how they can serve our parish and community. Whether through volunteering in our programmes, participating in outreach efforts, or simply offering a helping hand to a neighbour, your involvement makes all the difference.
As we embrace these new beginnings, let us support one another, nurture our relationships, and grow together in faith. May this academic year be filled with learning, joy, and abundant blessings for all.
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” – Jeremiah 29:11
Rev Barry
Diary St Peter & St Paul, Saltwood
Our regular pattern of worship includes a service every Sunday at 10am. Usually this is Holy Communion (to which all are welcome, whether or not you choose to receive communion) with a Family Service on the fourth Sunday of each month. Other services of Holy Communion, including ‘Book of Common Prayer’ services at Saltwood and Pedlinge, are shown on the website calendar, along with all services and events for the month.
Bubble Church, for families with Toddlers, is held in the Lads’ Club at 10am on the first Sunday of the month; Sunday Club, for children aged 3 – 10 is held at 10am in the Lads’ Club, on the third Sundays in term time.
Some dates to note in your diaries:
Monday 2nd – 14.00 – Monday chats restarts in the Lads’ Club (and each following Monday)
Tuesday 3rd – N.B. Our Rector’s day off
Wednesday 4th – 10.00 to 11.30 – Saltwood Toddlers in the Lads’ Club (and each following Wednesday)
Wednesday 4th – 14.00 Afternoon Prayer Group at 34 Harpswood Lane
Thursday 5th – 18.00 to 19.00 – Bell Ringing Practice (and each following Thursday)
Thursday 5th – 19.00 – Choir Practice (and each following Thursday)
Friday 6th – 09.00 – Prayer in the Church (and each following Friday)
Saturday 7th – 14.30 – Wedding: Rebecca and Benjamin
Thursday 12th – 14.30 – Service of Thanksgiving for the life of Joyce King
Saturday 14th – Ride and Stride event (see article later in this newsletter)
Tuesday 17th – 12.00 – memorial Service for Andrew Jakeway
Wednesday 18th – 14.00 Cinema Club in the Lads’ Club
Saturday 21st – 10.30 – Coffee Morning at Lympne church
Tuesday 24th – Last date for entries for the October magazine
Sunday 29th – 11.00 – Benefice Service of Holy Communion at Lympne Church
Useful Contacts
Rector – Rev Barry Knott: Telephone: 01303 883243 email: rev.barry@icloud.com
Church website: www.saltwoodchurch.org
Community Support Hub: 01303 269602
Parish Pastoral Support: 0300 030 1330
Children & Families Ministry (including weddings and baptisms) – Christine Clover:
Telephone: 0300 030 1662 email: christineclover@lympneandsaltwoodchurches.uk
Lads’ Club Bookings: Jan Heard 01303 266945 email: jan.entendu@gm
Parish Magazine: Beth Lewsey 01303 264577 email: parishmagazine@saltwoodchurch.org
Items for the October Magazine
If you have any items for the September edition of the magazine, please forward to Beth Lewsey, by the 24th September
by email if possible, to: parishmagazine@saltwoodchurch.org
or deliver to 20 Castle Avenue. (Tel 01303 264577).
Saltwood Church Pastoral Group
Caring for One Another
‘And let us look out for one another to provoke love and good works’ (Hebrews 10:24)
Our Pastoral Group meet monthly to seek ways of offering support to those who are going through difficult or challenging times. If you know someone you are concerned about, or if you have concerns yourself, please contact us. You will always find a friendly voice and a listening ear at the end of the line. Caring for others is at the heart of Christian life and you can help us by being our eyes and ears, letting us know of anyone who is in need.
Contacts: 01303 266454 01303 883243
If we complained less, and praised more, we should be happier, and God would be more glorified. Let us daily praise God for common mercies.
– Charles Spurgeon
From the Parish Records
We welcome into the family of the Church:
Hugo Wilkinson-Snazel, who was baptised on 30th June
Ada Hall, was baptised on 21st July
Congratulations to:
Katy Knott and Michael Fielder, whose wedding was on 3rd August
Prayer Ministry at Saltwood
The Prayer Ministry Team are there for YOU, in the sanctuary at Saltwood, after the 10 a.m. service every week.
Wondering just what happens if you come for prayer? If you wish, you can share your prayer need (for yourself or someone else) in just a few words. The two prayer team members will pray in response to your need, simply bringing that need to Jesus and asking for his blessings. If you prefer, you don’t have to say anything – we will pray for you, that the Lord would meet you at your point of need that day. You may also like to have the sign of the cross marked on your forehead and palms with oil that has been blessed for healing (anointing.)
Worried about confidentiality? Everything you say will be treated in complete confidence. Team members are bound by the strictest rule of respecting the trust you place in them and will not betray that trust.
Worried that you’ll feel self-conscious? Everyone else is busy getting coffee, no-one will be watching you. Be encouraged to come for prayer!
A Prayer for September
Lord, here we are in September – a beautiful month at the end of the summer, but before the autumn has taken hold. A month of excitement and new starts for many, a month when courage is needed for our children and young people.
And Lord we pray for courage, compassion and integrity for our new Prime Minister and our new government. We pray for justice and peace in our country and in the world.
Help us Lord, to know that you are Lord of September; you are Lord and giver of every new month, every new day, every new minute. Help us to put our trust in you for our adventures and for our mundane everyday routines.
You are our generous, loving Father and promise that you will never leave us or forsake us when we trust in you, through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour.
By Daphne Kitching
Intercessions for September
Today we pray especially for:
- Those who live in Castle Road, Kiln Corner, The Close and Castle Crescent
2 Businesses in our parish
3 Those who lead our SALT groups
4 Those struggling with addiction, thinking particularly of those known to you
5 St Mary & St Ethelburga Lyminge, St Mary Postling and All Saints Stanford
6 Those who live in Cylinder Road and Freshfield Lane
7 Christian communities facing persecution
8 Our ministry team
9 Village community groups
10 Our own discipleship as a community of faith
11 Those who live in Fairlight Road and Harpswood Lane
12 Carol Eastell and John Campbell, our Churchwardens, and the members of the PCC
13 Our local hospitals and Tricia Hill who leads the Canterbury hospital chaplaincy team
14 The King and the Royal Family
15 Those with physical and mental health needs and those who care for them, thinking particularly of those known to you
16 Our prayer groups
17 Those who live in New Road and The Coppice
18 Messy Church
19 Deanery Synod, its committees and officers
20 St Mary & St Eanswythe Folkestone, and St Peter Folkestone
21 Those who live in Tanners Hill, Tanners Hill Gardens and Deedes Close
22 Barry, our Rector
23 The bereaved and those who care for them, thinking particularly of those known to you
24 The Folkestone Rainbow Centre
25 Saltwood Primary School – Paul Newton, his staff and pupils
26 Those who live on The Green, Old Saltwood Lane and Conway Close
27 St Luke Hawkinge and St Martin Acrise
28 Rose, Bishop of Dover and Darren, Archdeacon of Ashford
29 Mission Aviation Fellowship
30 Our Toddler groups
The Defibrillator has arrived!
A defibrillator is a simple piece of equipment that provides electric shocks to restart the heart, it is easy to use and provides the best chance possible for someone who has a cardiac arrest. It is used following ‘999’ paramedic advice and in conjunction with chest compressions.
Thanks to generous grants from the District Council and the Tory Family Foundation, the proceeds of a coffee morning and individual donations following an appeal to parishioners, our target of £1,158 was met by the end of July with a good surplus which can be used for the device ‘s maintenance.
The PCC has purchased a model suitable for the church interior from the HeartBeat Trust who provided an informative and entertaining training session attended by the rector and 23 members of the church and the local community on July 30th. The defibrillator is now in place at the rear of the Lady Chapel opposite the kitchen. It will be monitored regularly and is linked to the ambulance service.
Christine Dodd and Melissa Russell wish to thank all who supported them during the appeal both financially and in other ways.
Help Needed!
If you can spare a couple of hours once a month on a Wednesday morning, we would love you to join our happy team of volunteers at Toddlers. We have two volunteers in the kitchen providing refreshments for our toddler families, a welcomer on the desk or perhaps if you are creative you may like to volunteer on the craft table. If you are interested, please contact Christine Clover:
Please note that you will need a DBS check.
Church Family News
Sadly we say ‘Goodbye’ to Eileen and Ray Brookes: we are sorry to see them leave Saltwood, and thank them for all they have done for the church: they have been good friends to many. We wish them happiness in their new home.
Beryl Bazin’s family would encourage us to visit Beryl who is at Folkestone Care Centre following a nasty fall. She is recovering well though she is restricted to using a wheelchair. She would love to have visitors, so please do call in when you can. Alternatively, she still receives emails on berylbazin@gmail.com
The address of Folkestone Care Centre is 52-56 Shorncliffe Road, Folkestone CT20 2NB . Telephone 01303 765700 where you can leave a message.
Following his death early in June, there will be a memorial service for Andrew Jakeway at Saltwood Church on 17th September at 12 noon. Those of you who knew Andrew are very welcome to attend.
We are heartbroken to let you know about the unexpected death of Joyce King, who died when on holiday in Jersey. Our heartfelt love and sympathy go out to David at this so difficult time.
God’s Promise:
We were travelling home from Ashford to Hythe. I was being told about Joyce (King)’s declining health. It was hard to hear about it. Then, as I looked up, I
saw, through the windscreen, a most beautiful rainbow.
Joyce, for me, had always been a great woman of faith and here before me was God’s abiding presence – the sign of His promise of covenant.
We carried on our journey and, as we drew closer to Hythe, the rainbow appeared to be touching earth in a great show of vivid colour – bright indigo and violet – just over the location of David and Joyce’s home.
Lynne (A friend of Joyce and David: this piece was passed on by Audrey Wayte)
Ride and Stride
14th September
Planned Sponsored Walk and Church Visits En Route: –
Hythe, Sandgate and Folkestone
Joy & Derek Russill are leading this years sponsored walk commencing at 10 a.m. from our Church St Peter & Paul, we plan to visit :-
Hythe, St Leonard’s, St Michael’s, Salvation Army, United Reform and Catholic Churches. Prior to catching a bus to :-
Sandgate & Folkestone St Paul’s Church Sandgate then walking along The Leas to St John’s then to the Harbour Arm for lunch break. Afterwards St Peter’s, St Mary & Eanswythe, Christ Church Tower, Holy Trinity with Christ Church. After the walk we catch the bus back to Hythe & Saltwood
We would welcome your support to join us for all or part of the walk, or to sponsor us. We have sponsor forms for anyone who wishes to get their own sponsors.
We also require, volunteers to welcome Ride or Striders between 10 – 6 pm at the church on a 2 hourly rota.
For any further information, speak to Derek or Joy or telephone 01303 268129.
Saltwood Cinema Club
will be showing
at 2pm on Wednesday18th September
in the Lads’ Club
After more than 30 years of service as one of the Navy’s top aviators, Pete “Maverick” Mitchell is where he belongs, pushing the envelope as a courageous test pilot and dodging the advancement in rank that would ground him. He is training a detachment of graduates for a special assignment, one of whom is the son of Maverick’s deceased best friend Lieutenant Nick “Goose” Bradshaw, USN. Maverick must confront the ghosts of his past and his deepest fears. Starring Tom Cruise as Maverick.
Cost £5 per person to include tea and cake
All proceeds to the Lads’ Club Funds
29th September is ‘Back to Church Sunday’
Have you ever been to our church before? Perhaps for a wedding, a baptism, or funeral? Or how about if you visited us even longer ago – when you were a child?
Whoever you are, and whenever you came to us, we would love to see you back again. However, on 29th September, which is national Back to Church Sunday, we shall be holding our main morning service at our sister church in Lympne. Of course you will also be welcome there – but more importantly, you will always be welcome whenever we have a service at Saltwood – there is no need to wait until the 29th to come back. You will be given a warm welcome – and coffee and biscuits after the service!
Warden’s Corner
From John Campbell: –
As we emerge from the lazy hazy days of summer one can’t help but realise yet again what a beautiful piece of land we occupy, and our pretty little Church nestling into the ground making the whole thing utterly delightful. The work week by week of the Garden Gang often goes unmentioned. It’s human nature that at the drop of a hat we take everything for granted. But their contribution is huge. They’re not all Churchgoers, but together with our regular members they turn up week by week and contribute to the beautiful surroundings that we all enjoy. So, a big thank you to all of them and particularly to Des and Rita whose work often goes unsung. God bless you all.
Ride and stride – the 14th of September.
Ride and stride this year is on Saturday, the 14th of September and it’s always a great day out. Derek and Joy Russill are organising it this year, and we are planning to visit Churches in Hythe, Sandgate and Folkestone. Please see Derek for all further information but I do really encourage you to take part. It’s great fun, great companionship and fellowship, and nobody is required to do anything more than they’re able to do. It’s not a marathon.
Church growth prayer cards.
Most of you will have noticed by now that there are cards in the pews about praying for Church growth. It’s a funny old thing about Christianity but truly nothing happens without prayer. The Lord has just set it up that way. We’d like our Church to grow. We need a lot more young people not least because we’re all becoming more and more ancient. I would encourage you when you arrive just to pick up the prayer card and say that little prayer. Every little helps!
Barry’s Day Off.
And lastly, just to remind you that Barry’s day off is Tuesday and we must all make a concerted effort not to trouble him on that day.
Monday Chats are back on Monday 2 September. We
From Carol Eastell: –
would love you to join our friendly group of chatterers, along with cups of tea and delicious home-made cake. We are there from 2pm till 4pm every Monday bar Bank Holidays. We are a lively and amusing group and besides the chat we enjoy occasional other entertainments – could be a game of bingo or a quiz and sometimes Richard Baulch entertains us with his extraordinary musical skills.
Our prayer afternoons start up again at the home of Penny Forsyth on Wednesday 4 September at 2pm. Please think about joining us. Prayer is so important and there are many issues for us to concentrate on. The meetings are monthly and last about an hour.
There are all sorts of prayer groups at Saltwood. One such group is the Prayer Support Group – if you or someone you know has a prayer need, we will be glad to lift them up in prayer. If you let Carol know on 07795100441, our group will get praying. This is of course confidential.
Sunday morning prayer before the main Service: please feel free to join us in prayer for the Services that day and any particular prayer necessities. This is at 9 40 am at the back of the church and lasts about ten minutes.
Prayer is available for anyone after the Service. This too is completely confidential. This quiet time of prayer is near to the altar, and we are told that people find it very special and helpful. Please come and be refreshed and helped.
Thank you!
It seems ages ago now but big thanks and much appreciation to some of our lovely church family for their efforts in giving the church a good Spring/Summer clean. The church wardens have got just a bit more to do and hopefully by the time this e-mag is out we will have finished the job. And while I am about it, we need to thank the team of church cleaners who freely give of their time each week to keep our church looking so beautiful and clean. Thank you everyone for everything you do for us.
From the Parish Magazine – September 2004
Twenty years ago, Bridget Wight reported on ‘Le Bec Hellouin Pilgrimage’, which took place earlier, in June. “The party was made up of 14 ‘old hands’ and five first-timers – a good total led by Roger (Martin). The journey was easy, thanks to the Channel Tunnel and the French motorways, and we arrived in good time, to a warm welcome from the Sisters at the Monastere.
…When we reached Bec, the peace of the place was immediately felt…Sunday was a quiet Day, with periods of contemplation … the idea of leaving some of our concerns on the floor in the care of a flower was most effective, and set us up well for other sessions.
Tuesday was the festival of St Peter and St Paul, and we celebrated at the Abbey, presided over by the Bishop of Evreux…To be able to take part in Compline at the end of the day was an unforgettable experience.
It was not all work and no play as we had several outings, one to the Normandy beaches where, sixty years before, so many lives had been lost…The day was completed by a trip to see the Bayeux Tapestry. Returning to Bec with enough time for a shower, we sallied forth again … to the village for the traditional last supper. How’s this for a menu – kir, a starter, main course, cheese, sweets, coffee, and as much wine as we could drink for the princely sum of £15!… A tired but happy band needed no rocking to sleep that night.
St Stephen’s Church, Lympne 
Services and Events in September:
Sunday 1st – 11.00 – Holy Communion
Sunday 1st – 13.00 – Baptism
Saturday 7th – 11.30 – Wedding: Lynn and Stephen
Sunday 8th – 11.00 – Hooba Family Service
Saturday 14th – Ride and Stride
Sunday 15th – 11.00 – Holy Communion
Saturday 21st – 10.30 to 12.30 – Coffee Morning
Sunday 22nd – 11.00 – Holy Communion
Saturday 28th – 1900 – Harvest Supper in the Village hall (ticketed event)
Sunday 29th – 11.00 – Holy Communion (Benefice service)
Prayer Groups
Every 2 weeks, Monday lunchtimes for 20 minutes – contact Rachel or Monica for exact dates. The time is intentionally short to fit within a one-hour lunch break.
Home Groups
There are two house groups – Monday evening (contact Rachel & Peter) and Friday morning (contact Monica & Peter). Both meet every two weeks and read through the bible together with lots of talk and discussion.
Eco Church
Work continues most Tuesday and Saturday mornings to improve the churchyard for both people and wildlife. Volunteers welcome! There is now a display inside the church that shows some of the wildflowers and wildlife seen.
Groups for Families
Groups and services for children and families take place mostly in Saltwood with the Lad’s Club – but once a month there is Family service in Lympne church, and in term time a weekly Toddlers group in Lympne village hall on Thursdays.
If you are curious as to what goes on have a look on the new display boards in Lympne church with photos of many of these activities.
Lympne Fellowship
On a lovely August afternoon we thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to just socialise and chat among friends during our annual picnic on the playing field. Although the British weather can often be unpredictable, the sun shone and the temperature remained at a comfortable level. What a lovely way to spend a summer afternoon.
Lympne Fellowship normally meets at 1.15pm in the Harry Margary Hall on the 2nd Thursday of the month, with a programme of interesting and informative talks and activities. For further information about our group, please contact Jill Page on 07846 819693
St Stephen’s Lympne: Coffee Morning
10.30am – 12.30pm
- Come and join us for coffee, cakes and savoury bakes. If the sun is shining, sit out and enjoy.
- Take a break while out for that walk (well-behaved dogs welcome)
- Catch up with old friends and new
- Enjoy the songs from the musicals with Richard on the piano
Proceeds to maintenance of the church plus
a donation to this month’s nominated charity:
Lympne’s Favourite Recipes
For the Millennium, Lympne produced its own recipe book “A Meal for All Seasons”. Some of you may still have, and use, your copy. Well, that was 25 years ago! We now want to create an updated one, with new recipes for the latest cooking devices in our kitchens.
We would love to include one of your favourites, be it a starter, main, dessert recipe, or to go with your morning coffee or afternoon cuppa, and whether for the oven, microwave or airfryer. Please send them in with your name, tel no. and email address to:
Fiona Jarvest: fionajarvest22@gmail.com
36 Octavian Drive, CT21 4JG , or hand it in to the church, which is open during the day.
Thank you. Fiona
St Stephen’s, Lympne : Welcome in the Harvest
Lympne Village Hall
Tickets £15
To include Ploughman’s, Dessert, Tea & Coffee
(Bring a plate, bowl, cutlery, glass and your preferred drink)
Tickets available from Fiona Jarvest email fionajarvest22@gmail.com or
Tel: 07919 146158
SHAL: Studying History and Archaeology in Lympne
We know very little about children and families in Medieval England. This was the subject of Imogen Corrigan who presents a wide range of historical talks.
On this occasion she presented her talk through several medieval images. Our overall impression is one of large families and high mortality rates amongst young children. A painting in Gloucester Cathedral of Thomas and Christian Machen displayed their family of 13 sons and 5 daughters. Overall, the women’s role was to breed children with the aim of producing a male heir. Consequently, they often had families of 12. It followed that mortality rates were high, notably children below the age of 10. For example, in Yoxford, Suffolk in 1485 out of 1000 deaths 425 children did not reach their 10th birthday.
Some beliefs were that the only reason that you were on the planet was to go to heaven and, in conceiving, God will send you a child. Some families had a birth trail during pregnancy with one birth after another and in cases of a difficult birth the Church recommended a caesarean birth, but unfortunately this usually resulted in the death of the mother.
It was a hard life for children, but despite many living in poverty , they were cherished and spoilt but worked hard alongside their parents and guardians as depicted in Canterbury Cathedral of a mother working in blue and her children working alongside her. They loved toys and games, outside and inside, including word games. In the late medieval period upper class children were expected to be trained and educated as ladies and gentlemen rather than just following and working with their parents, with a school for boys and governesses for girls. What a difference now in the lives of our young children!
Guided Walks in Hythe
Castle Green WI
President Julie Andrews welcomed thirty-nine members to the July meeting. She also welcomed Tracie Dempster from Hythe Morning WI who was our delegate at the NFWI Annual Meeting at The Royal Albert Hall in June. Julie thanked Hortense Oates for her flower arrangement. The record of the June meeting was approved and signed.
The outing to Goodnestone Gardens had been very enjoyable and the weather behaved itself.
The subgroups will all be meeting in July. Please see website for details. The next meeting of the Lunch Club will be on Wednesday September 18th; venue TBA.
Tracie Dempster the gave us a very interesting report about the NFWI Annual Meeting. The coach journey took four hours which meant that they missed the singing of Jerusalem which always starts the meeting, undaunted they sang it on the coach. This year’s resolution, Dental Health Matters, was discussed and voted upon. The result was a resounding vote in favour of the resolution, 4578 for 214 against.
After coffee we welcomed our speaker Dedra van Beer who spoke to us about decluttering our wardrobes and how to create new outfits. Dedra told us that we only wear about 20% of our wardrobe and that we should try to reflect our lifestyle and body shape when buying clothes. We all agreed that we all had a “best clothes” section in our wardrobes. Dera’s talk was interesting and entertaining and gave us lots to think about. Christine L gave the vote of thanks.
The August meeting was the annual fish, chips, and prosecco lunch on Hythe sea front. Over twenty members attended, and the weather was kind with lots of sun and a cooling sea breeze. Dawn was thanked for organising the fish and chips, Elisa for organising the drinks and Wendy for all the admin. Photos of all our events can be found on the website castlegreenwi.org.uk
There is no meeting at The Lads’ Club in August. The next meeting will be on Friday September 13th when our speaker will be Pippa from the local charity Folkestone Baby Basics.
Margaret Alcock
Finishing with a Smile …
… A bishop visited a primary school in his full episcopal attire – with his mitre, robes and bishop’s crook or crozier. A little lad’s mother asked him later what he had thought of the bishop’s visit to his school. The little boy replied: “It was great – now I know what a real crook looks like!”