March 2025 Newsletter

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A Letter from the Rector

Dear All,

In this holy season of Lent, I want to take a moment to reach out to each of you with a message of hope, reflection, and spiritual renewal. Lent is a time for us to draw closer to God, to reflect on our faith, and to prepare our hearts for the joy of Easter.

Lent invites us to embark on a journey of self-examination and repentance. It is an opportunity to pause and reflect on our lives, our relationships, our commitments, and our walk with God. Traditionally, Lent is a time for fasting, which can take many forms. It might involve giving up certain foods or habits, but it can also include fasting from negative thoughts or actions. Let us also remember the practice of charitable giving, where we extend our hands to those in need. Consider how you might support our local charities or reach out to those within our community who are struggling.

This year, we have various Lenten activities that I encourage you to participate in. We will be offering a Bible study series focused on the themes of Hope in Lent. This is a wonderful opportunity to deepen your understanding of the Gospel. We have several Home Groups, and you are welcome to come along to any of them even if only for Lent. These are informal gatherings in people’s homes and give you the opportunity to ask questions.

Here are three groups in Saltwood, mostly meeting a couple of times each month: –

Wednesday evenings in Hythe. Contact Bob White on 07742 927356
Wednesday afternoons. (first week of the month meets Friday afternoon) Contact Penny Forsythe on 07503 310390
Thursday evenings. Contact Jeremy Russell on 07740 030659

There are also two groups in Lympne: The Monday evening and Friday morning homegroups meet every two weeks.
Contact Rachel Cornish at

From Tuesday 11th March at 7pm, and for five subsequent weeks, we are holding an informal Lent reflection, Hope for Lent, in the County Members, Lympne. This is open to anyone, and no participation is necessary. You can simply observe and listen over your favourite tipple.

As we journey through Lent, let us keep our eyes fixed on Holy Week, where we will commemorate the events leading up to the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. I encourage you to participate in the services during Holy Week, as they offer us a profound way to engage with the passion of Christ.

Rev Barry

Diary St Peter and St Paul, Saltwood

Parish Church of St Peter & St Paul, SaltwoodOur regular pattern of worship includes a service every Sunday at 10am. Usually this is Holy Communion (to which all are welcome, whether or not you choose to receive communion) with a Family Service on the fourth Sunday of each month. Other services of Holy Communion, including ‘Book of Common Prayer’ services at Saltwood and Pedlinge, are shown on the website calendar, along with all services and events for the month.

Bubble Church, for families with Toddlers, is held in the Lads’ Club at 10am on the first Sunday of the month; Sunday Club, for children aged 3 – 10 is held at 10am in the Lads’ Club, on the third Sundays in term time.



Some dates to note for your diaries:

Monday 3rd – 2pm – Monday Chats in the Lads’ Club (and each following Monday)
Tuesday 4th N.B. – Our Rector’s day off (and each following Tuesday)
Wednesday 5th – 10am – Saltwood Toddlers in the Lads’ Club (and each following Wednesday)
Wednesday 5th – 2pm – Afternoon Prayer Group at 34 Harpswood Lane
Wednesday 5th – 7pm – Ash Wednesday Service
Thursday 6th – 18.00 – Bell Ringing Practice (and each following Thursday)
Thursday 6th – 19.00 – Choir Practice (and each following Thursday)
Friday 7th – N.B. – Carol Eastell’s day off(and each following Friday)
Friday 7th – 09.00 – Prayer Group in the Church (and each following Friday)
Friday 7th – 2pm – World Day of Prayer Service at Hythe Catholic Church (see article later in this newsletter)
Tuesday 11th – 7pm – ‘Hope for Lent’ at the County Members (and for the following 5 weeks)
Saturday 15th – 10.30am – Coffee Morning at Lympne church
Wednesday 19th – 14.00 – Saltwood Cinema Club in the Lads’ Club
Monday 24th – N.B. Last date for items for the April magazine
Sunday 30th – 11am – Mothering Sunday Benefice service of Holy Communion at Saltwood

Advance date for your diary: Friday 7th March at 2pm at Hythe Catholic Church: World Day of Prayer. This year the international service has been prepared by the women of the Cook Islands. All are very welcome to this world-wide wave of prayer

Useful Contacts

Rector – Rev Barry Knott: Telephone: 01303 883243 email: 

Church website:

Community Support Hub: 01303 269602

Parish Pastoral Support: 0300 030 1330

Children & Families Ministry (including weddings and baptisms) – Christine Clover:

Telephone: 0300 030 1662 email:

Lads’ Club Bookings: Jan Heard 01303 266945 email: jan.entendu@gmail com

Parish Magazine: Beth Lewsey 01303 264577 email: 

Items for the April Magazine

If you have any items for the April edition of the magazine, please forward to Beth Lewsey, by the 24th March,
by email if possible, to:
or deliver to 20 Castle Avenue.  (Tel 01303 264577).

Saltwood Church Pastoral Group

Caring for One Another

 ‘And let us look out for one another to provoke love and good works’ (Hebrews 10:24)

Our Pastoral Group meet monthly to seek ways of offering support to those who are going through difficult or challenging times. If you know someone you are concerned about, or if you have concerns yourself, please contact us. You will always find a friendly voice and a listening ear at the end of the line. Caring for others is at the heart of Christian life and you can help us by being our eyes and ears, letting us know of anyone who is in need.

Contacts: 01303 266454             01303 883243


If God is your co-pilot, switch seats.

– James W Moore

 The best mathematical equation I’ve ever seen:  1 cross + 3 nails = 4 given

– Anon

From the Parish Records

We welcome into the family of the church:

 Eloisa Johnson, whose baptism was on 26th January.







A Prayer for March

In this month when Lent begins, we remember the difficult journey Jesus made to the cross, to take upon Himself our sins and the sins of the whole world, to bring us the hope of eternal life by His resurrection.

Lord, we bring to You our own journeys through our daily lives. We bring our disappointments, our bewilderment, our pain, as well as our happy times. We thank You that You are with us in and through all of it.

We thank you that the message of Christmas is also the message of Lent and the message of every day – You, our God, are with us always, giving us hope and life, because of Jesus.

Thank You that He made that journey for us, and all we have to do is trust in Him. Help us to do that and to share His good news with others, especially those in distress.

We pray in His name. Amen.

Intercessions for March

Today we pray for:

1              Those who live in Castle Road, Kiln Corner, The Close and Castle Crescent
2              Businesses in our parish
3              The Folkestone Rainbow Centre
4              Those struggling with addiction, thinking particularly of those known to you
5              St Mary & St Ethelburga Lyminge, St Mary Postling and All Saints Stanford
6              Those who live in Cylinder Road and Freshfield Lane
7              Christian communities facing persecution
8              Our ministry team
9              Village community groups
10           Our own discipleship as a community of faith
11           Those who live in Fairlight Road and Harpswood Lane
12           Carol Eastell and John Campbell, our Churchwardens, and the members of the PCC
13           Our local hospitals and Tricia Hill, Hospital Chaplain
14           The King and the Royal Family
15           Those with physical and mental health needs and those who care for them, thinking particularly of those known to you
16           Our prayer groups
17           Those who live in New Road and The Coppice
18           Messy Church
19           Deanery Synod, its committees and officers
20           St Mary & St Eanswythe Folkestone, and St Peter Folkestone
21           Those who live in Tanners Hill, Tanners Hill Gardens and Deedes Close
22           Barry, our Rector
23           The bereaved and those who care for them, thinking particularly of those known to you
24           Esuubi – Ugandan Orphans
25           Saltwood Primary School – Paul Newton, his staff and pupils
26           Those who live on The Green, Old Saltwood Lane and Conway Close
27           St Luke Hawkinge and St Martin Acrise
28           Rose, Bishop of Dover and Darren, Archdeacon of Ashford
29           Mission Aviation Fellowship
30           Our Toddler groups
31           Those who provide our church music

Prayer Ministry

There is an opportunity to receive personal prayer with two members of the Prayer Ministry Team, every Sunday immediately after the Sunday service at Saltwood.  You can ask for prayer for anyone whose need is on your heart, for a world or local situation, or indeed for yourself.    There is no obligation to divulge any details at all and you will not be asked any intrusive questions.    The Prayer Team members are committed to respect anything you do share with complete confidentiality.

Prayer is available for everyone and is a great blessing for those who receive this ministry.    We’re there for YOU.

Electoral Roll

The Church of England requires each parish to completely renew their Electoral Roll every six years and this is the year.

If you would like to continue to be a registered member of our church, just follow this link

and download the form and return it to Mary Hunter the Electoral roll Officer – details below.

The Electoral Roll gives individuals a right to participate in the governance of the church,  in particular, voting in elections for churchwardens, parochial church council (PCC) members, and other roles. It is important for ensuring that only those who are active members of the church have a voice in decision-making.

If you are able, please print off a copy of the form, completing as necessary with a signature. Ideally return the completed form to Mary either as an email attachment or by post, or If you wish just hand to a churchwarden on your next visit to church. There will also be forms available at the back of church

Mary Hunter 47 Harpswood Lane, Hythe, CT21 4BH    

Lent Lunches

Saltwood Cinema Club

will be showing

Widow Clicquot

on Wednesday 19th March at 2pm

in the Lads’ Club

This is the story behind the Veuve Clicquot champagne family and business that began in the late 18th century.

Cost £5 per person to include tea and cake


All proceeds to the Lads’ Club Funds




 From John Campbell: –

 A big thank you to everyone who has suggested ideas for social events and fundraising activities. Keep them coming! The more ideas we have, the better we can shape a programme that is enjoyable and productive. No idea is too small or too outlandish—if it’s doable, we’d love to hear it. Please give your ideas either to me or to Beth Lewsey.

One suggestion I’d like to explore isn’t strictly a fundraiser but could be a wonderful half day out. We are fortunate to have Michael Miller Jones in our congregation, who is also an official Canterbury Cathedral tour guide. He has kindly agreed to lead small group tours (around ten people per group) for us. If there’s enough interest, we could arrange multiple dates. There would be a cost involved, but if this appeals to you, please let me know. We’re looking at late spring or early summer, and it could be followed by afternoon tea.

On another note, we are still holding a ring that was found some time ago. It’s a pretty blue dress ring, but no one has come forward to claim it. If you or someone you know has lost a ring, please check with one of the Churchwardens.

Finally, a gentle reminder about our rector’s and prayer-churchwarden’s days off. Barry’s day off (as much as is possible!) is Tuesday, and Carol’s is Friday. Please try not to contact them on these days unless it’s a real emergency—in which case, do get in touch with me.

From Carol Eastell:

Reminders about Prayer Meetings:

Sundays at 9 40 for a few minutes before the Services at Saltwood
Fridays at 9 00 in Saltwood Church

Prayer Afternoons are held once a month at the home of Penny Forsyth usually though not always on the first Wednesday of the month

This month we are meeting Wednesday 5 March at 2pm.  We would love you to join us as we pray for our church, world happenings and also people who are known to us in need of prayer. We pray for up to an hour according to the needs. Then, if we behave, Penny produces a cake and a nice cup of tea. You will be very welcome to join us.

We would be delighted to welcome newcomers to any of these prayer groups and also to encourage you to come forward for prayer following our Sunday Morning Service. As always, this valuable prayer time is in the strictest of confidence.

Monday Chats continue to be busy and we love to welcome new guests and chatterers. The cakes are superb and the tea is plentiful. We do though now ask for a donation if you can manage it. This is not obligatory. Come and join us on these enjoyable afternoons. You will be made very welcome. We meet on Mondays at 2 pm.

Lent Lunches:

Our four Lent Lunches are on Saturdays 22, 29, March, then 5 and 12 April. Our soup suggestions and lists asking for offers of soup making will be on the table at the back of the church in March. Carol has a copy of the soup recipes if needed. Most of all please put the dates in your diaries and make sure you come and support us on the Lent Lunch days.

From Rachel Cornish (Warden at Lympne): –

The church and a village are communities made up of many different people. Different ways to work or worship together using everyones’ different talents.

On March 15th, Lympne church has its Gold Eco church assessment – and we will be showing the very varied and different projects that different people have been involved with, including people who don’t worship with us on a Sunday.

A group at Lympne are also putting together a Passion Play for Good Friday – using different skills from acting, speaking, props, costumes to logistics and organisation.

There is a Taizé style service planned for April 26th in Lympne church – based on a style of worship from a Christian community in France. This will be new to most people in Lympne – a very different way of worshipping – much more meditative.

The Taizé community in France has created a unique style of worship music that reflects the meditative nature of the community. Taizé music emphasizes simple phrases, usually lines from Psalms or other pieces of the Bible, repeated and sometimes also sung in canon. The repetition is intended to help with meditation and prayer. The music is often sung in different languages.

Candles and visual symbols also play an important part in the worship.

History of Taizé.

The small village of Taizé is in the south of France – in Burgundy. This village was founded over seventy years ago by Brother Roger as home to a monastic community devoted to prayer and reconciliation. The community is made up of brothers from all the continents and major denominations who gather together three times a day, seven days a week, throughout the year to pray in many different languages. Many thousands of people, especially young people, stay in Taizé for a week or more to be a part of this community.

See their website at for more information.

World Day of Prayer

Saltwood Church – Help still needed!

Unfortunately, our group of church cleaners has shrunk over the past year and we are looking for replacements to keep our beautiful church cared for.

It is not an arduous task if two people (ladies or gentlemen!) work together:  mainly vacuuming our lovely new carpet, dusting, cleaning toilets and kitchen plus emptying bins.  We work on a Rota basis so it would mean only three or four times a year.

If you are able to help, please contact Mary Hunter on 01303 268423.



More Thanks Received

Further to the letters printed last month in response to our church’s charitable giving, we are now able to share thanks for the Folkestone Rainbow Centre:

FURTHER WAYS TO SUPPORT THE RAINBOW CENTRE – fund-raising challenges for Lent … and beyond!

From the Parish Magazine March 2005

Twenty years ago, plenty of familiar activities, fund-raising and church-related for lent and Easter:

4th March – Then it was Women’s World Day of Prayer, still on the first Friday in March, but with a morning service at the Methodist Church and an evening service at the Salvation Army citadel.

5th March – A Mothering Sunday workshop for children in the church, in preparation for the service on the 6th

5th, 12th and 19th – Lent Lunches continued in the Lads’ Club

18th March – A family ceilidh at Saltwood School

Holy Week – At the cathedral, the Archbishop was giving a series of lectures entitled ‘Words for the Mystery’

19th March – ‘Chalkfoot Community Tour’ were producing an adaptation of Emma at the village hall

25th March – Good Friday – 9.30 family Service, with a three hour devotion at 12 noon

27th March – Easter Sunday, celebrated with 8am and 10am service of Holy Communion

There’s Still Time to Support Pilgrims Hospice

On 27th April 2025 my husband, Paul Beckett, is running in the LONDON MARATHON raising money for Pilgrims Hospice.

I feel sure we all know of someone who has needed the love and support of care staff either at, or from, Pilgrims Hospice.

At its heart, Pilgrims is dedicated to providing skilled and compassionate care, free of charge, to people living with an incurable illness in east Kent. Their vision is that people with a life-limiting illness are supported and empowered to live well in mind & body, making the most of the time they have. They care for over 2,500 patients a year, at their 3 inpatient units in Canterbury, Thanet & Ashford, their therapy centres, or in patients’ own homes. With 80% of their funding being voluntary contributions, your support cannot be overstated.

Giving is easy  using the link below, either which opens Pauls Just Giving page at Pilgrims Hospice, or see me and I will have a sponsor form.

We really appreciate your support.

Hilary Leeves

Paul Beckett is fundraising for Pilgrims Hospices In East Kent

St Stephen’s Church, Lympne

Services and Events in March

Lympne Church - St StephensSunday 2nd March – 11am – Holy Communion

Wed 5th March – 10am – Ash Wednesday Service

Sunday 9th March 11am – Hooba Family Service

Coffee morning on Saturday 15th March

Sunday 16th March – 11am – Holy Communion

Sunday 23rd March – 11am – Holy Communion

Sunday 30th March – 10am – Benefice Service at Saltwood church

Weekly Events in church:

Mondays 12:-30-1pm (every other week) – Prayer Meeting

Mondays 19:30-21:30 – Bell ringing Practice

Saturday mornings 10:30 – 12:30 Eco group working churchyard (when dry)

Saturday 15th March will be very busy!

  • Coffee Morning from 10:30-12:30
  • Gold EcoChurch Assessment also from 10:30pm.
  • Passion Play walk through at 2pm

Lympne Parish APCM will be on Sunday 23rd March after the morning service- at 12:30pm.

Looking Ahead:

  • Passion Play at 4pm on Good Friday. 18th April
  • Taize service on Saturday, April 26th

Home Groups

There are two house groups – Monday evening (contact Rachel & Peter) and Friday morning (contact Monica & Peter). Both meet every two weeks and read through the Bible together with lots of talk and discussion.

Groups for Families

Groups and services for children and families take place mostly in Saltwood at the Lads’ Club – but once a month there is Family service in Lympne church, and in term time a weekly Toddlers group in Lympne village hall on Thursdays. If you are curious as to what goes on have a look on the new display boards in Lympne church with photos of many of these activities.

Lympne Fellowship

 In February we were delighted to welcome back Andrew Ashton with a fascinating talk: “Kill or Cure? – Old Remedies”.  Many medicines were, as we now know, actually dangerous, containing poisons such as arsenic, lead, opium, cyanide, plus such things as snake venom, the urine of children etc.  However, even today extracts of some of these (well, maybe not snake venom and urine) are included in the ingredients of some well-known medicines.

At our March meeting Corinne Kerbey will be telling us about the ‘Kent Fire Service’.

For further information about our group, please contact Jill Page on 07846 819693.

Coffee Morning at Lympne Church

Spring Coffee Morning


10.30am – 12.30pm

 Help us Welcome in the Spring over coffee, cake & savoury bakes

Catch up with old friends and new

Take a break from that walk

(Well-behaved dogs welcome)

Proceeds to maintenance of the church plus

a donation to this month’s nominated charity:  WATER AID

SHAL: Studying History and Archaeology in Lympne

 At our February meeting we welcomed Alison Morris, Chair of Stanford and Westenhanger and members of their group to a comprehensive and fascinating presentation by Alison on the Westenhanger Brick, Tile and Pipe works in an area between what is now the M20 and the railway line.

There is evidence in the world for brickmaking in the 7th Century BC. By 1789 there was an advert in the Kent Gazette revealing many small brickyards and the first accurate mention of a yard belonging to Robert Thompson in Saltwood, and later the expansion of a brickyard in the area of the Willows and The Bungalow in Westenhanger, which by 1900, was called Beeching Down, run by his sons and daughter from 1898. Walter fought and was a prisoner in World War 1 until 1918. Joseph was the yard owner, with Phoebe running the office and Herbert Henry working the horses at the brickyard.

Developments in the 20th century in making bricks and tiles included mixing clay with water in a pug mill into a soft paste, putting the brick in a mould made out of wood or steel, making peg tiles and pipes, later pipes made by machine, drying bricks in open spaces, and later the introduction of a brickyard kiln 20 ft high in 1934, and brick yards or sheds in 1940.  However, the brick workers had poor conditions with low pay and long working hours. Brick production finally came to an end in 1953.

For our next meeting on 18 March at 7.30 pm in the Harry Margary Hall, Wendy will give a presentation on the Aqueducts and Fountains of Rome. Non-Members are welcome.

 Saltwood Village Society

THURSDAY 13th MARCH  at 7.15 for 7.30pm



The history of an ancient farmhouse with countless celebrity connections…

An illustrated talk by





Castle Green WI  

President Julie Andrews welcomed forty- one members and one guest, Dorothy Douse our WI Advisor, to the February meeting which was also our Annual Meeting.

Kay and Kate were thanked for being coffee hostesses and Marjorie was thanked for the flower arrangement. The record of the January meeting was approved and signed. Julie announced that we needed a delegate for the NFWI Annual Meeting on June 4th which will be entirely online this year.

Lunch Club. The next meeting of the Lunch Club will be on March 11th at The Red Lion in Hythe. Details are on the website. The subgroups will all meet in March.

We then moved on to the Annual Meeting. The record of the last Annual meeting was approved and signed. The Treasurer presented the Financial Statement which was proposed, seconded, and adopted. The Secretary gave the Trustees Annual Report. (previously known as the Committee’s Annual Report).

Julie then gave her final President’s address after which the Trustees report was proposed, seconded, and adopted by the members. The new committee was introduced to the members. Dorothy Douse led us through the election of a new President. She reminded us that in the event of nobody “volunteering” to be President, the doors would be locked until we did have a President! Luckily, Christine Farquhar agreed to be our President. Margaret Alcock gave a vote of thanks to the outgoing committee for keeping Castle Green WI thriving and Gill Roffey thanked Julie for her work over the past three and a bit years.

After all this excitement coffee/ tea and cake was enjoyed by everyone while the new committee held their first meeting. Next on the agenda was a Beetle Drive which judging by the laughter and chat was enjoyed by the members.

The next meeting will be on Friday March 14th at 10am in The Lads’ Club. Tracie Fulton will give a talk entitled “The History of Midwifery.”

New members are welcome to attend our meetings. Please see website for details.

Margaret Alcock

Finishing with a Smile …

A clergyman consulted his doctor about his wife’s snoring. “It has to STOP,” he insisted.

The doctor was intrigued: “Does it really bother you that much?”

“Well, it’s not just me,” confided the minister. “She is bothering the whole congregation.”

And with Lent in mind …

… I’m giving up eating chocolate for a month. Oh, wait, sorry, bad punctuation. I meant: I’m giving up. Eating chocolate for a month.

Don’t Forget the Lent Study Series – Do come along!