July and August 2024 Newsletter

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Letter from the Rector

Dear all,

It is that time of year again where across our country Bishops are ordaining new Deacons and Priests. “What is the difference I hear you say?” In short, Priests are assistants to the Bishop, while Deacons are servants of the church and the community. However, once a Deacon, always a Deacon.

In the Anglican, Roman Catholic, and Orthodox churches, the three major orders are Bishop, Priest, and Deacon. To understand the Priest and Deacon, one must understand the Bishop. To understand the Bishop, one must understand parishes and Diocese.

A parish is a designated area, often defined by village or area boundaries. Each parish is overseen by a Priest and has at least one parish church where the faithful gather to worship God. A Diocese is a collection of parishes, where each priest is under the authority of one Bishop. Bishops are the spiritual successors of the Apostles. Each Bishop has the humbling power to consecrate the Eucharist, to preach the Word of God, to Baptise, to ordain people, and to give the Holy Spirit of God to individuals via Confirmation.

During the early years of the Church, as house churches grew in the larger cities, one Bishop could not oversee all believing communities. And so, Bishops began praying over and ordaining assistants, whose duty it was to continue their pastoral care and to look after the day-to-day administration. These became known as Priests, whose duty is to lead the Eucharist, to preach the Word of God, and to baptise, as well as to marry people.

The Deacon originally dealt explicitly with the poor, gathering alms from his parish and distributing them to the poor. Deacons clearly had a duty to live the Christian life and to baptise people. Today the role is more liturgical, i.e. taking part in services, yet continues to require a commitment to serve the community. I had the privilege this year at the ordination of Deacons at Canterbury Cathedral to be a ‘Supporter’ for Bill Mills who was on placement with us a short time ago.

Each step in ordained ministry is a significant one. The responsibilities of a Priest, and their authority from the Bishop have come down through the history of the church by the Holy Spirit via the Apostles from Jesus himself. That is a big deal! And so, I ask for your prayers for Bill and all those ordained this Petertide at Canterbury and in cathedrals across the country. May they, as they serve, be blessed by God, and through their obedience may many others come to know the love of Jesus and the difference for good that that can make.

Rev Barry

Diary St Peter and St Paul, Saltwood

St Peter and St Paul SaltwoodOur regular pattern of worship includes a service every Sunday at 10am. Usually this is Holy Communion (to which all are welcome, whether or not you choose to receive communion) with a Family Service on the fourth Sunday of each month. Other services of Holy Communion, including ‘Book of Common Prayer’ services at Saltwood and Pedlinge, are shown on the website calendar, along with all services and events for the month.

Bubble Church, for families with Toddlers, is held in the Lads’ Club at 10am on the first Sunday of the month; Sunday Club, for children aged 3 – 10 is held at 10am in the Lads’ Club, on the third Sundays in term time.


Some dates to note in your diary:

Monday 1st July – 14.00 – Monday Chats in the Lads’ Club (and each following Monday in July)
Tuesday 2nd – Our Rector’s day off (and each following Tuesday)
Wednesday 3rd – 10.00 – Saltwood Toddlers in the Lads’ Club
Thursday 4th – 14.00 – Afternoon prayer group meet at 34 Harpswood Lane
Friday 5th – 09.00 – Prayer in the church
Saturday 6th – Coffee Morning at Heppinge, Rectory Lane
Wednesday 10th – 10.00 – Toddler Group Teddy Bear’s Picnic
Wednesday 17th – NB No Saltwood Toddler Group – restarts in September (Term time only)
Saturday 20th – 10.00 – Book Fair in the Lads’ Club
Saturday 20th – Wildlife Festival and coffee morning at Lympne church
Saturday 20th – 15.45 – Messy Church at the Lads’ Club
Wednesday 24th – Cinema Club at the Lads’ Club

Saturday 3rd August – 15.00 – Wedding: Katy and Michael
Saturday 17th – 10.30 – Coffee morning at Lympne church
Saturday 17th – 15.45 – Messy Church at the Lads’ Club
Monday 19th – Last date for entries for the September magazine
Saturday 31st – 10.00 – Book fair in the Lads’ Club

Useful Contacts

Rector – Rev Barry Knott: Telephone: 01303 883243 email: rev.barry@icloud.com 

Church website: www.saltwoodchurch.org

Community Support Hub: 01303 269602

Parish Pastoral Support: 0300 030 1330

Children & Families Ministry (including weddings and baptisms) – Christine Clover:

Telephone: 0300 030 1662 email: christineclover@lympneandsaltwoodchurches.uk

Lads’ Club Bookings: Jan Heard 01303 266945 email: jan.entendu@gm

Parish Magazine: Beth Lewsey 01303 264577 email: parishmagazine@saltwoodchurch.org

Items for the September Magazine

If you have any items for the September edition of the magazine, please forward to Beth Lewsey, by the 19th August
by email if possible, to: parishmagazine@saltwoodchurch.org
or deliver to 20 Castle Avenue.  (Tel 01303 264577).

Please note this is a slightly earlier date than usual!

Saltwood Church Pastoral Group

Caring for One Another

 ‘And let us look out for one another to provoke love and good works’ (Hebrews 10:24)

Our Pastoral Group meet monthly to seek ways of offering support to those who are going through difficult or challenging times. If you know someone you are concerned about, or if you have concerns yourself, please contact us. You will always find a friendly voice and a listening ear at the end of the line. Caring for others is at the heart of Christian life and you can help us by being our eyes and ears, letting us know of anyone who is in need.

Contacts: 01303 266454             01303 883243


What life have you if you have not life together? There is no life that is not in community, And no community not lived in praise of God.

– T E Eliot (The Rock)


From the Parish Records

Our love and sympathy go to the friends and family of:

 Michael Calver, whose funeral was on 11th June


Two Short Prayers for the Summer Months

Dear Lord,

The waves beckon, and the sandy shores await. We thank you for the gift of beach days, where the rhythmic tides and endless horizons offer solace to our souls. Bless us with laughter, building sandcastles, and the salty embrace of the sea. May our beach days be filled with cherished moments of pure joy. Amen

Dear God,

As the heat of summer envelops us, we seek solace in the cool breezes that rustle through the trees. We thank you for the gentle relief they bring, soothing our souls and refreshing our spirits. May these breezes remind us of your comforting presence in our lives. Amen

(Both from Strengthinprayer.com)

Intercessions for July …

Today we pray especially for:

1              Those who live in Bartholomew Close and Lea Close
2              Those who protect us – the emergency services
3              All who worship at St Peter & St Paul and at Pedlinge
4              All who will be casting a vote in today’s election
5              All newly elected to Parliament
6              Those who live in Bartholomew Lane and St John’s Road
7              Those who visit our church and those who make use of it
8              Holy Trinity Folkestone, St George Folkestone, and St. Paul Sandgate
9              Our organists and choir
10           Canterbury Cathedral, Diocesan House and their staffs
11           Those who live in Hillcrest Road and Quarry Lane
12           Those who care for the church and churchyard and make them beautiful
13           The national role of the Church of England
14           St John the Baptist Folkestone
15           Our neighbours
16           Those who live in Holly Close and Mulberry Court
17           Those unsure of their future, thinking particularly of those known to you
18           St Augustine’s Primary School – staff and pupils
19           The Pilgrims Hospice
20           Families going through difficult times, thinking particularly of those known to you
21           Those who live in North Road West, North Road and Barrack Hill
22           Those parts of the world where there is war or political strife and  those who suffer as a result
23           Our own benefice with St Stephen Lympne
24           The lonely, thinking particularly of those known to you
25           Compassion UK
26           Those who live in Pedlinge and Sandling
27           The terminally ill and their families, thinking particularly of those known to you
28           Our study groups
29           Other, non-Anglican, churches in the local area
30           Any children who miss the sanctuary of school during holiday time
31           Those who live in Sandling Road and Highfield Close

…and for August

1              Those who live in Turnpike Hill, Britten Close and Spanton Crescent
2              St Mary the Virgin Elham
3              All those entering into marriage this summer
4              Those who minister in our residential homes
5              Those who maintain our community
6              Those who live in Rectory Lane and Victoria Place
7              Sunday Club and Bubble Church: the leaders and families involved
8              Our Scout Group
9              Our local GPs
10           Justin, Archbishop of Canterbury
11           Those who live in Old London Road, Redbrooks Way, Summer Close and Sunny Bank
12           Those unable to attend church, thinking particularly of those known to you
13           The homeless, thinking particularly of those known to you
14           Brockhill Park Performing Arts College – staff and pupils
15           St Martin’s Cheriton, All Soul’s Cheriton and St Nicholas Newington
16           Those who live in Grange Road and School Road
17           Church Army and its work with young people
18           Those who seek Christ
19           Residential and nursing homes – their staff and residents
20           Sidesmen and welcomers
21           Those who live in Castle Avenue, Lookers Lane and Quarry Road
22           Those who represent us – in parish, district and county councils and in Parliament
23           Those who help lead our worship
24           Those parts of the world suffering from natural disasters and all those seeking to relieve the suffering these cause
25           St Leonard’s Hythe, St Michael’s Anglican and Methodist Centre and Holy Cross Palmarsh
26           Those who live in Brockhill Road and Seaton Avenue
27           The armed forces and their families
28           The Folkestone Rainbow Centre
29           Those coping with debt and unemployment, thinking particularly of those known to you
30           Our area Deans
31           Those who live in Blue House Lane, Sandy Lane and the A20, Saltwood

Prayer Ministry at Saltwood

The Prayer Ministry Team are there for YOU, in the sanctuary at Saltwood, after the 10 a.m. service every week.

Wondering just what happens if you come for prayer?  If you wish, you can share your prayer need (for yourself or someone else) in just a few words.  The two prayer team members will pray in response to your need, simply bringing that need to Jesus and asking for his blessings.  If you prefer, you don’t have to say anything – we will pray for you, that the Lord would meet you at your point of need that day.  You may also like to have the sign of the cross marked on your forehead and palms with oil that has been blessed for healing (anointing.)

Worried about confidentiality?  Everything you say will be treated in complete confidence.  Team members are bound by the strictest rule of respecting the trust you place in them and will not betray that trust.

Worried that you’ll feel self-conscious?  Everyone else is busy getting coffee, no-one will be watching you.
Be encouraged to come for prayer!

‘SALT’ Home Groups

There are three groups in Saltwood, mostly meeting a couple of times each month: –

Wednesday evenings. Contact Bob White on 07742 927356

Thursday evenings. Contact Jeremy Russell on 07740 030659

The afternoon group meet for Bible Study on the second and fourth Fridays in the month at 2.30 pm at Penny Forsyth’s home, 34, Harpswood Lane. All are very welcome to attend.

Wardens’ Corner

From Carol Eastell:

Monday Chats – we are not meeting throughout August but we look forward to starting back on Monday 2 September, hopefully nicely refreshed after our summer break.

Please note that our monthly prayer afternoon will be meeting on Thursday 4 July at 2pm (and not the day before). We will though, be gathering at the home of Penny Forsythe as usual. Then the Afternoon Prayer group are taking a break through August and so will not be meeting on 7 August. We will re-commence on Wednesday 4 September at 2pm.

The Tuesday and Friday groups will continue to meet each week through August.

If you see a group of people gathering round, near the coffee table, before the start of Sunday Services, we are gathering to pray for the Service and for everything and everyone connected to the Service that day. You are very welcome to join us in this important prayer time. We gather to pray at 9 40 am and the prayer time is probably no longer than ten minutes.

From John Campbell: –

The Dog’s Water Bowl!

You have probably noticed that for the last year there has been a dog’s water bowl outside the front door to the church. It’s just a small outreach to the local community who walk their dogs through the churchyard.
Could I ask you all, if you notice the bowl is empty, whatever the weather, you refill it. If the kitchen is locked, there is the tap round the back of the church. This would be very helpful. Thank you.

Reverend Barry’s Day Off.

This is my monthly nudge to remind you all that Barry’s nominated weekly day off is Tuesday. This is the day that suits him best, so I would ask you all not to contact him at all that day by any means – by phone, email, or text. If an emergency occurs, by which I mean something that really, really can’t wait until Wednesday, then please contact one of the wardens, at Saltwood or Lympne. Thank you for cooperating with this.

Ride and Stride – 14th September 2024

For the last time of asking, would anyone, or any couple, willing to consider taking on the minimal planning for this annual event please contact me. It is a wonderful day out and well worth the effort

 From Rachel Cornish, Warden at Lympne: –

 The summer is a great time to get outside and admire God’s creation.

Under the Eco church umbrella various different projects have started happening:

We have been getting quotes for and finding out about solar power and checking how we purchase and dispose of things responsibly. Where possible things are recycled, and thanks to David Weller for turning old candle ends into new candles.




St Steven’s Eco Volunteers have been looking after different parts of the churchyard, encouraging more flowering plants that are beneficial for birds and bees, removing some of the ivy strangling some trees. By the time you read this a new compost area will have been made. Work happens most Tuesday and Saturday mornings when not raining – extra volunteers are always welcome.

So, what wildlife have we seen? We have been documenting the various flowers and bees – helped by photographers in the village – and these will be on display at the Lympne Churchyard Wildlife Festival on Saturday 20th July. Make a note of this date in your dairy – it will be worth a visit.

The churchyard is a great place to look for rabbits and watch the buzzards circling overhead. Look out for the pair of peregrine falcons nesting in the church tower whilst enjoying the view across to France. Or just enjoy the quiet place to sit and reflect – many people find it easier to connect with spiritual things outside.

Coffee Morning

In aid of the new church Defibrillator

Saturday 6th July

10.30 – 12.30

Come and relax after the general Election (!)

And enjoy coffee, tea and cake

 In the delightful gardens at

Heppinge, Rectory Lane.



(Parking in the church car park)

All are welcome including well behaved dogs.

Saltwood Cinema Club

on Wednesday 24th July

 at 2pm in the Lads’ Club


From the creator of Love Actually, About Time is written and directed by Richard Curtis

Staring Bill Nighy and Lindsay Duncan the film tells the story of a young man, Tim, who at the age of 21, discovers he can travel in time and change what happens and has happened in his own life. His decision to make his world a better place by getting a girlfriend turns out not to be as easy as you might think.

Cost £5 per person to include tea and cake

 All proceeds to the Lads’ Club Funds

Two Summer Book Fairs!

The Lads’ Club, Rectory Lane 

10am – 12.30pm

Saturday 20th July


Saturday 31st August

Come and get your summer reading here!

Paperbacks, novels, cookery, gardening etc

all at bargain prices!


Stay for a chat over a cuppa and cake!

Celebrating the Centenary of the Lads’ Club

The weather was kind on the afternoon of Saturday 22nd June, so those celebrating the centenary of The Lads’ Club could overflow on to the grass outside – and the Pipers, who use the hall for their practice sessions could serenade us from an ‘al fresco’ position!

Inside the hall, much extended and improved since the original days, was full, with Saltwood locals and those from slightly further afield who also use the Lads’ Club, all enjoying a delicious strawberry scone cream tea, glasses of ‘fizz’, news clips from a hundred years ago being shown on the screen, and a 1920’s ‘sing-song’ led by the Rector, dressed as a military padre of the era. For, as you will know, the Lads’ Club, which is now such a central hub for our church and village community was originally founded by Lady Lucy for the ‘Lads’ returning from World War I to have somewhere to go. It was therefore appropriate that the afternoon ended with a toast to Lady Lucy.

From the Parish magazine – Summer 2004

Twenty years ago fund-raising continued throughout July for the Church building appeal:

July 4th – The Gardens of Saltwood castle were open from 2-5pm

July 10th – Barrie and Agneta also opened their garden in Fairlight Road, with plants and handicrafts on sale, lacemaking and spinning demonstrations, and tea and cake.

July 17th – A Quiz Night with Ploughman’s Supper at the Lads’ Club

Things were a little quieter in August, but thanks were given for support at a previous event: Jenny Simmons wrote “ …sincere gratitude to all who helped at the Table Sale, To Roy (Simmons) for his great support, to Joan Bennison for her cakes, to Deryck and Lily (Ball) for their great contribution, and to all who donated items and purchased them. We made a grand total of £270 for the Building Fund.”

Saint Swithun’s Day – 15th July

St Swithun is apparently the saint you can blame for rainy summers.  It is said that if it rains on his special day, 15th July, it will then rain for 40 days after that.  It all began when Swithun was made Bishop of Winchester in 852 by King Ethelwulf of Wessex. Winchester was the capital of Wessex, and during the 10 years Swithun was there, Wessex became the most important kingdom of England.

During his life, instead of washing out people’s summer holidays, and damping down their spirits, Swithun seems to have done a lot of good.  He was famous for his charitable gifts and for his energy in getting churches built.  When he was dying in 862, he asked that he be buried in the cemetery of the Old Minster, just outside the west door.

If he had been left there in peace, who knows how many rainy summers the English may have been spared over the last 1000 years.  But, no, it was decided to move Swithun.  By now, the 960s, Winchester had become the first monastic cathedral chapter in England, and the newly installed monks wanted Swithun in the cathedral with them.  So finally, on 15 July 971, his bones were dug up and Swithun was translated into the cathedral.

That same day many people claimed to have had miraculous cures.  Certainly everyone got wet, for the heavens opened.  The unusually heavy rain that day, and on the days following, was attributed to the power of St Swithun.  Swithun was moved again in 1093, into the new Winchester cathedral.  His shrine was a popular place of pilgrimage throughout the middle ages.  The shrine was destroyed during the Reformation and restored in 1962.  There are 58 ancient dedications to Swithun in England.

St Stephen’s Church, Lympne


7th JULY– Holy Communion – 11am
14th  Hooba Family Worship – 11am
20th – Coffee Morning and Wildlife Festival – 11am
21st – Holy Communion – 11am
28th –Holy Communion – 11am

4th AUGUST – Holy Communion – 11am
11th Hooba family Service – 11am
17th – Coffee Morning – 10.30am
18th – Holy Communion – 11am
25th – Holy Communion – 11am

Coffee Mornings 

On Saturday 20th July as part of the Lympne churchyard wildlife Festival:
Saturday 17th August at 10:30am

Prayer Groups

Every 2 weeks, Monday lunchtimes for 20 minutes – contact Rachel or Monica for exact dates. The time is intentionally short to fit within a 1 hour lunch break.

Home Groups

There are two house groups – Monday evening (contact Rachel & Peter) and Friday morning (contact Monica & Peter). Both meet every two weeks and read through the bible together with lots of talk and discussion.

Eco Church

Work continues most Tuesday and Saturday mornings to improve the churchyard for both people and wildlife. Volunteers welcome! There is now a display inside the church that shows some of the wildflowers and wildlife seen.

Groups for Families
Groups and services for children and families take place mostly in Saltwood with the Lad’s Club  – but once a month there is Family Service in Lympne church, and in term time a weekly Toddlers group in Lympne village hall on Thursdays.

If you are curious as to what goes on have a look on the new display boards in Lympne church with photos of many of these activities.


In June, St Stephens church was the start point for “Walk Church” – an alternative outdoor worship. Walk Church takes people outdoors to worship God in the context of a walk.
The walk was a circular walk of about 4 miles with time to listen to a bible reading and reflect on what it meant. Followed by tea and cake in Lympne church. Walk Church happens once a month in East Kent – see https://walkchurch.org.uk/ for more information.



Wildlife Festival

Seating in Lympne Church

Below is an interesting map of Lympne church from 1886. This was when new ‘free’ pews were installed and they covered most of the floor area except for the chancel and north aisle. Before this the church was more open, with stone seats along the chancel wall.

There was a vestry dividing the north aisle up and beyond this were lots of benches facing south. The pulpit was under the arch on the south side of the church. There was more seating in the area under the tower.

Since then lots of changes have happened. The original pews have been altered several times and some used in the chancel as choir stalls. Then the vestry was removed and a large organ was added blocking the arch to the north aisle – and later this was replaced with a smaller electric organ. The pulpit was moved into the main nave. The front of the north aisle was reordered with an altar and oak benches. More recently a kitchen and toilet was added as the church is continually adapted to the changing needs and expectations of a community building.

The latest change is acquiring new wooden chairs to add flexibility in how the building is used. An added bonus is being able to better appreciate the old stone arches and architecture of the church.

80th Anniversary of D-Day in Lympne

This was a community event lead by the castle but involving the church, parish council, school and village hall committee, following the official D-Day anniversary proclamations in a spectacular setting.

SHAL: Studying History and Archaeology in Lympne

Our June meeting was a graphic talk by Colin Varrall, on the history and development of the Kent Coalfield, from its origin in the 1880s Channel Tunnel excavations to Kent’s closure in 1986. The pattern was one of entrepreneurs buying mineral rights to mine and then closing down a few years later due to going into receivership, lack of finance and insufficient coal output from the seams. Colin’s grandfather and father both worked in the mines who saw the emergence of Shakespeare Colliery, followed by Guilford, Waldershare, and Tilmanstone. In the 1920s and 30s more mines were opened such as those at Snowdown near Aylesford, Betteshanger, which finally closed in 1989, Lydden, Wingham and Woodnesborough. Colin referred to families settling in Kent from collieries in Yorkshire and other areas, the various disputes of workers with the owners, and illustrated the working conditions underground which resulted in the various health problems of miners from which they suffered in their retirement.

We welcome Imogen Corrigan to our next meeting on Tuesday 16th July at 7.30pm in the Harry Margary Hall when she will speak on ‘A Child’s life in the Middle Ages’. Non-members are welcome.

Hythe Walks

Gardeners Needed!

Guided Walks

Castle Green WI

Vice-President Gill Roffey welcomed thirty-six members to the June meeting. Ann Brame was thanked for the flower arrangement and Elisa and her team of coffee hostess were thanked. The record of the last meeting was approved and signed.

The treasurer gave a financial update. An invitation to Postling and Stanford WI’s birthday meeting on July 2nd had been received when there will be a presentation by Mike Davis from the Magic Circle.

All the sub-groups will be holding meetings in June. Please see the website for more details.

Fish, Chips and Prosecco. Friday August 9th. We will be meeting on the prom opposite the Imperial Hotel at 12.30pm and the cost is £12.00. Wendy will be taking names and payment can be made by cheque, bank transfer or cash at the July meeting.

After the coffee break, we started our summer craft session. Christine led the crochet group, Barbara showed her group how to decorate a wooden heart (yes, some of us did sing the Elvis song!), Biddy’s group created a bookmark or postcard, and Mary’s group did leaf weaving to create a flower. This was very enjoyable and productive, and our thanks go to those who shared their expertise with us.

The next meeting is on Friday July 12th when we welcome Dedra van Beer who will tell us how to Declutter our Wardrobe and create new outfits. There will be a special sales table to sell any no longer needed clothes items and accessories.

New members are always welcome to come as a visitor to one of our meetings. https://castlegreenwi.or.uk.

Margaret Alcock

Finishing with a Smile …

(this time in the form of an extra quote, which made your editor smile)

… Cricket is the game which the English, not being a spiritual people, have invented to give themselves some concept of eternity.

– Lord Mancroft