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A Letter from the Rector
Dear All,
As we stand on the threshold of a new year, it is a moment filled with hope, reflection, and anticipation. The arrival of January invites us to pause and consider the journey we have taken over the past twelve months. Each year brings its own set of challenges, triumphs, and lessons, and as a parish community, we have much to celebrate and contemplate together.
The New Year is often seen as a fresh start, a blank slate upon which we can write our goals and aspirations. Many of us make resolutions, pledging to improve our lives, whether by adopting healthier habits, nurturing relationships, or deepening our spiritual practice. However, it is essential to approach these resolutions with grace and understanding. Growth is rarely linear, and setbacks are a natural part of the journey. As we embark on new endeavours, let us remember to extend the same compassion to ourselves that we offer to others.
In our parish, the New Year also provides an opportunity to reflect on our collective mission. We are called to serve one another and our broader community, embodying the values of love, kindness, and generosity that are central to our faith. As we look ahead, let us commit to finding new ways to engage with those around us. Whether through volunteer work, outreach, or simply being present for one another, we can make a meaningful impact in the lives of others.
Moreover, the New Year is a time for spiritual renewal. It invites us to deepen our relationship with God and to seek His guidance in all our endeavours. As we gather for worship, let us take the time to pray for our intentions, both personal and communal. Embracing the New Year with a heart open to God’s will can lead to transformative experiences, allowing us to grow in faith and understanding.
As we celebrate the New Year, let us also recognize the beauty of the present moment. In the hustle of planning and preparing for what lies ahead, it is easy to overlook the blessings that surround us right now. Take a moment to appreciate the relationships we have built in our parish, the support we provide one another, and the shared experiences that strengthen our bonds.
As we step into this new year, let us do so with a spirit of hope, reflection, and commitment. Together, we can embrace the opportunities that lie ahead, nurturing our individual and communal growth. May this year be filled with grace, love, and a deeper connection to our faith and each other. Happy New Year to each and every one of you.
Rev Barry
Diary St Peter and St Paul, Saltwood
Our regular pattern of worship includes a service every Sunday at 10am. Usually this is Holy Communion (to which all are welcome, whether or not you choose to receive communion) with a Family Service on the fourth Sunday of each month. Other services of Holy Communion, including ‘Book of Common Prayer’ services at Saltwood and Pedlinge, are shown on the website calendar, along with all services and events for the month.
Bubble Church, for families with Toddlers, is held in the Lads’ Club at 10am on the first Sunday of the month; Sunday Club, for children aged 3 – 10 is held at 10am in the Lads’ Club, on the third Sundays in term time.
Some dates to note for your diaries:-
Thursday 2nd – 18.00-19.00 – Bell Ringing practice – and each following Thursday
Thursday 2nd – 19.00 – Choir practice – and each following Thursday
Friday 3rd – 9.00 – Prayer Group in the church – and each following Friday
Monday 6th – 14.00 – Monday Chats in the Lads’ Club – and each following Monday
Tuesday 7th – Our Rector’s day off – and each following Tuesday
Wednesday 8th – 10.00 – Saltwood Toddlers in the Lads’ Club – and each following Wednesday
Wednesday 15th – 14.00 – Cinema Club in the Lads’ Club
Saturday 18th – 10.30 – Coffee Morning at Lympne Church
Friday 24th – Last date for entries for the February magazine
Useful Contacts
Rector – Rev Barry Knott: Telephone: 01303 883243 email: rev.barry@icloud.com
Church website: www.saltwoodchurch.org
Community Support Hub: 01303 269602
Parish Pastoral Support: 0300 030 1330
Children & Families Ministry (including weddings and baptisms) – Christine Clover:
Telephone: 0300 030 1662 email: christineclover@lympneandsaltwoodchurches.uk
Lads’ Club Bookings: Jan Heard 01303 266945 email: jan.entendu@gmail com
Parish Magazine: Beth Lewsey 01303 264577 email: parishmagazine@saltwoodchurch.org
Items for the February Magazine
If you have any items for the February edition of the magazine, please forward to Beth Lewsey, by the 24th January
by email if possible, to: parishmagazine@saltwoodchurch.org
or deliver to 20 Castle Avenue. (Tel 01303 264577).
Saltwood Church Pastoral Group
Caring for One Another
‘And let us look out for one another to provoke love and good works’ (Hebrews 10:24)
Our Pastoral Group meet monthly to seek ways of offering support to those who are going through difficult or challenging times. If you know someone you are concerned about, or if you have concerns yourself, please contact us. You will always find a friendly voice and a listening ear at the end of the line. Caring for others is at the heart of Christian life and you can help us by being our eyes and ears, letting us know of anyone who is in need.
Contacts: 01303 266454 01303 883243
Bibles that are falling apart are usually owned by people who are not.
– Anon
From the Parish Records
Our love and sympathy go to the family and friends of:
Dorene McCormack, whose funeral was on 29th November,
A Prayer for January
Dear Lord,
We begin a New Year! We all have hopes, expectations, fears and uncertainties, as we move into 2025 – already a quarter of the way through this new century!
We can’t know what will happen in the world, in our country, in our lives during this year, but we come before You, thankful that if we put our trust in Jesus and what He achieved on the cross, we need not be afraid; we are safe and secure.
He takes all our hopes and fears and gives us His Peace and His Spirit in return, to sustain and equip us this New Year and always. Thank you, gracious Father. Thank you, Lord of all the years. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
(Written by Daphne Kitching)
Intercessions for January

Today we pray for:
1 Those who live in Bartholomew Close and Lea Close
2 Those who protect us – the emergency services
3 All who worship at St Peter & St Paul and at Pedlinge
4 Hythe Dementia Awareness Forum
5 The lonely, thinking particularly of those known to you
6 Those who live in Bartholomew Lane and St John’s Road
7 Those who visit our church and those who make use of it
8 Holy Trinity Folkestone, St George Folkestone, and St. Paul Sandgate
9 Our organists and choir
10 Canterbury Cathedral, Diocesan House and their staffs
11 Those who live in Hillcrest Road and Quarry Lane
12 Those who care for the church and churchyard and make them beautiful
13 Folkestone Rainbow Centre
14 St John the Baptist Folkestone
15 Our neighbours
16 Those who live in Holly Close and Mulberry Court
17 Centrepoint
18 St Augustine’s Primary School – staff and pupils
19 The Pilgrims Hospice
20 Families going through difficult times, thinking particularly of those known to you
21 Those who live in North Road West, North Road and Barrack Hill
22 Those parts of the world where there is war or political strife and those who suffer as a result
23 Our own benefice with St Stephen Lympne
24 His Majesty’s Government and Members of Parliament
25 Compassion UK
26 Those who live in Pedlinge and Sandling
27 The terminally ill and their families, thinking particularly of those known to you
28 Our study groups
29 Other, non-Anglican, churches in the local area
30 The Brighter Future Trust
31 Those who live in Sandling Road and Highfield Close
Prayer Ministry
There is an opportunity to receive personal prayer with two members of the Prayer Ministry Team, every Sunday immediately after the Sunday service at Saltwood. You can ask for prayer for anyone whose need is on your heart, for a world or local situation, or indeed for yourself.
There is no obligation to divulge any details at all and you will not be asked any intrusive questions.
The Prayer Team members are committed to respect anything you do share with complete confidentiality.
Prayer is available for everyone and is a great blessing for those who receive this ministry. We’re there for YOU.
Introducing our new Church Treasurer: John Hall
I have worshipped at St Peter and St Paul Saltwood for over 25 years. My wife Susan and I were married there in 2006. I served as a school governor for five years at Saltwood Primary School.
On my retirement in April 2024 after thirty years of service with the Immigration Service and latterly Border Force, I was elected to the Saltwood PCC.
I am looking forward to succeeding Laurence Maxfield in the role of treasurer, who is standing down after forty years of exemplary service.
Wardens’ Corner
From John Campbell: –
Thank You
As we come to the end of 2024, I want to say a huge thank you to everybody who has helped in the running and maintaining of the church over the year. Thank you to the providers of refreshments on a Sunday morning. Thank you to the cleaners and the flower arrangers. Thank you to the welcoming team and all that you do. Thank you to everyone who contributes in any way. It’s so easy to take all this for granted, but actually, I’m aware that some of these things are done sacrificially. I want you to know that each one of you is greatly appreciated. And now an incredibly Happy New Year to you.
Valentine’s Supper & Quiz Night
Here are the details you’ve all been waiting for with bated breath J.
There will be a Valentine’s Supper & Quiz Night hosted by Peter Kent on Saturday 8thFebruary 2025 in the Saltwood Lads’ Club, doors open at 6:15pm, supper at 6:45pm followed by the quiz. Supper will be a hot meal (main and dessert). There will be a drinks bar where wine, beer and soft drinks can be purchased. In addition to the main quiz there will be a few other short games both before the quiz and during an interval. Cost is £10 per person.
Valentine’s Day will only be 6 days away so please embrace the occasion and dress up in Valentine colours, lots of red and pink! There will be a prize or prizes for the best outfit!
The quiz is the main fun item with another prize being awarded to the winning team! Start gathering your quiz teams together (maximum 6 per table).
Book your places now by contacting Peter on
pkent.email@gmail.com or 01303-266140)
with the team leader giving both your team name and names of team members. If you are not in a team, you can still come, and you will be placed in a team on the night – but you still need to book your place! Anyone can come, it’s not just for our two churches and you don’t have to be a churchgoer so bring your friends and neighbours! The Lads’ Club has a finite capacity, so it’s first come first served, don’t leave it to the last minute!
It will be an evening of fun and fellowship! In red and pink! See you there!
Entertainment ideas.
Over 2025, we’d like to provide some fun and entertainment for you all as a church family, and at the same time bring in in the wider community. To that end, I’m reaching out to you and asking for your ideas. Ideally, we want ideas that require a minimal amount of organising, but that isn’t a limitation. We are blessed with three wonderful assets, a beautiful Church, beautiful grounds surrounding it, and the Lads’ Club. How can we utilise these to help us? Also, as costs continue to rise, these events will help us to raise money and why shouldn’t fundraising be enjoyable too.
Please give us your ideas, however simple or outlandish they might be! Nothing is ruled out. Would you please give your ideas either to me or Beth Lewsey, and please do it as they come to mind, so they don’t get forgotten! Thank you.
Encouragement for 2025
This really Carol’s territory, but I really want to encourage everyone of you for the next 12 months. For the last two years we have been praying for the church family and in particular that the Lord would move amongst us. You may or may not be aware of the subtle changes that are taking place in our midst, but it is a huge encouragement to the prayer teams to be able to acknowledge what the Lord is doing. He of course moves at His pace, not ours, and He knows each one of us intimately, and so He will knit us together according to His plan and His timetable. Nevertheless, there are tangible and measurable changes, and this is exciting.
I would ask you all to thank Him for His plans for us and what He’s doing within us and around us. And keep praying too.
Barry’s Day Off
Barry and Sarah will be away from the 6th of January to the 21st inclusive. Please pray for them while they’re away, for their protection and for their safe travel and they have a truly blessed time. And as ever, I remind you that Barry’s day off is Tuesday and that we leave him alone on that day.
From Carol Eastell: –
Monday Chats
Lots of Chatterers came to our Christmas party which was great fun. There was a lot of audience participation. Joy, Fran and Clare were in great voice and Kay, hilarious with her Christmas poem, Carole (from the village) exercised our brains with a Christmas quiz. All this brought together with our wonderful Richard on his keyboard – you cannot help but sing along. The time passed so quickly, it was soon time to go home to continue with our Christmas preparations. I just love our Chatterers Club. It is a great place to be on a cold winter’s Monday afternoon, where you soon warm up with some happy chatter. Monday Chats will be up and ready to go on Monday 6 January at 2pm (till 4pm) and we are looking forward to seeing lots of new faces to welcome in. as well as all our regular chatterers.
We would love you to join us!
Afternoon Prayer Group
As the first Wednesday in the month is on 1st January and as it is a Bank Holiday, we will not be meeting for Afternoon Prayer this month. Watch out for news of February’s meeting.
From Lympne’s Warden, Rachel Cornish: –
Apologies that the last two ‘wardens’ corners; from Lympne never emerged, partly from total lack of time and partly from confusion over dates.
Many hands make light work
For the last 3 months of 2024 I was exceptionally busy at work with a lot of extra meetings and long hours, and being churchwarden has only been possible because a large number of people at Lympne get involved and help with a wide variety of tasks. Some are obvious and visible such as helping during services or organising things; others are hidden – such as keeping the church clean, ensuring enough stock of cleaning products, ensuring candles in order, flowers are arranged, grass cut and probably various other tasks I’ve still not discovered.
The actual legal role of a churchwarden is not huge, but so often a churchwarden ends up doing a very large number of the other tasks that need doing in a church; I realise I’m lucky that in Lympne the work is spread out across most of the congregation.
Confusion without criticism
Quite often things don’t go to plan especially on a Sunday morning.. It may be that a reading or hymn or even the type of service is not as expected or advertised. What happens? I don’t get complaints – instead I see and hear of people solving the issues. It is what should happen and I hope this does not change. I’ve learned a lot by seeing how others in the Lympne congregation quietly get things sorted without a fuss and without being critical of others. We are all human and make mistakes.
James 4:11-12: “Do not criticize one another my friends. If you criticize or judge another, you criticize and judge the Law… God is the only Law giver and judge… Who are you to judge a neighbour?”
Saltwood Cinema Club
will be showing
on Wednesday 15th January
at 2pm in the Lads’ Club
When people in the1920s seaside town, Littlehampton – including conservative local, Edith (Olivia Coleman) begin receiving letters full of hilarious profanities, the rowdy, Irish migrant, Rose (Jessie Buckley), is charged with the crime. The anonymous letters prompt a national uproar, and a trial ensues. However, as the town’s women, led by Police Officer Gladys Moss (Anjana Vasan), begin to investigate the crime themselves, they suspect that something is amiss and Rose might not be the culprit after all. .
(Please note this film does contain very strong language)
Cost £5 per person to include tea and cake
All proceeds to the Lads’ Club Funds
Our Church’s Charitable Giving
I have paid donations amounting to £6000 in total to the following charities in 2024 on behalf of the PCC and congregations of Saltwood Church and Pedlinge Chapel :-
- Folkestone Rainbow Centre
- Pilgrims Hospice Ashford
- Centrepoint
- Hythe Dementia Awareness Forum
- Brighter Future International Trust(For work with Leprosy in India)
- Compassion UK (For work with children in Thailand)
Laurie Maxfield (Treasurer)
From the Parish Magazine 2005
Editor: You may be interested to know who fulfilled some of the various church roles twenty years ago. For many readers, I know some names won’t mean much, but for others they will bring to mind familiar faces.
From the Parish Directory January 2005
The Rector | Rev Roger Martin |
Readers | Mr Philip (Pip) Passmore |
Mr Geoff Grier | |
Churchwardens | Ms Sarah Leaver |
Mr Laurie Maxfield | |
Church Treasurer | Mr Laurie Maxfield |
PCC & Rector’s Secretary | Mrs Cheryl Tomlinson |
Saltwood School Head Teacher | Mrs Elizabeth Pettersen |
Sunday Club | Mrs Sue Leaver |
After Church Coffee | Mrs jenny Simmons |
Healing Prayer Group | Mr Deryck Ball |
Mother & Toddler Service | Mrs Sara Burridge |
Magazine Co-Editors | The Rector & Mrs Bridget Wight |
Please help us support Pilgrims Hospice
On 27th April 2025 my husband, Paul Beckett, is running in the LONDON MARATHON raising money for Pilgrims Hospice.
I feel sure we all know of someone who has needed the love and support of care staff either at, or from, Pilgrims Hospice.
At its heart, Pilgrims is dedicated to providing skilled and compassionate care, free of charge, to people living with an incurable illness in east Kent. Their vision is that people with a life-limiting illness are supported and empowered to live well in mind & body, making the most of the time they have. They care for over 2,500 patients a year, at their 3 inpatient units in Canterbury, Thanet & Ashford, their therapy centres, or in patients’ own homes. With 80% of their funding being voluntary contributions, your support cannot be overstated.
Giving is easy using the link below, either which opens Pauls Just Giving page at Pilgrims Hospice, or see me and I will have a sponsor form.
We really appreciate your support.
Hilary Leeves
Paul Beckett is fundraising for Pilgrims Hospices In East Kent
Another Quote!
May we meet this new year bravely, sure in the faith that while men come and go, and life changes around us, God is ever the same, guiding us with His wisdom and protecting us with His love.
– William Temple
Unfortunately, our group of church cleaners has shrunk over the past year and we are looking for replacements to keep our beautiful church cared for.
It is not an arduous task if two people work together: mainly vacuuming our lovely new carpet, dusting, cleaning toilets and kitchen plus emptying bins. We work on a Rota basis so it would mean only three or four times a year.
We have cover for the long school summer holiday.
If you are able to help, please contact Mary Hunter on 01303 268423.
Quiz Night!
Don’t forget to BOOK YOUR PLACES!
Saturday 8th February
6.15 for 6.45
Tickets £10 per person to include a Hot Meal, Games and Quiz
Available from Peter Kent
pkent.email@gmail.com or 01303-266140)
See ‘Wardens Corner’ article for more information
St Stephen’s Church, Lympne
Services and Events in January
Sunday 5th – 11.00 – Holy Communion
Sunday 12th – 11.00 – Hooba Family Service
Saturday 18th – 10.30 – 10.30 to 12.30 – Coffee morning
Sunday 19th – 11.00 – Morning Worship
Sunday 26th – 11.00 – Holy Communion
Weekly Events in church:
Mondays 19:30-21:30 – Bell ringing Practice
Saturday mornings 10:30 – 12:30 – Eco group working churchyard (when dry)
Home Groups
There are two house groups – Monday evening (contact Rachel & Peter) and Friday morning (contact Monica & Peter). Both meet every two weeks and read through the bible together with lots of talk and discussion.
Groups for Families
Groups and services for children and families take place mostly in Saltwood with the Lad’s Club – but once a month there is Family service in Lympne church, and in term time a weekly Toddlers group in Lympne village hall on Thursdays.
If you are curious as to what goes on have a look on the new display boards in Lympne church with photos of many of these activities.
Lympne Fellowship
As our Christmas celebrations begin to fade into the past, we thank Jill Page and our hardworking committee for once again organising an entertaining bring and share Christmas party, with time to try the quizzes, open our Secret Santa presents and socialise in a lovely festive atmosphere. A good time was had by all!
Lympne Fellowship normally meets at 1.15pm in the Harry Margary Hall on the second Thursday of the month, with a programme of interesting and informative talks and activities. For further information about our group, please contact Jill Page on 07846 819693
St Stephen’s Church, Lympne – Coffee Morning
10.30am – 12.30pm
Join us for coffee, cakes & savoury bakes
(Well-behaved dogs welcome)
Catch up with old friends and new
Proceeds to maintenance of the church plus
a donation to this month’s nominated charity:
Home Farm Trust. Lympne Place
Supporting adults with learning disabilities
Storms Don’t Stop Donkey Trouble!
The planned Lympne Nativity procession on Saturday 7th from the village hall was postponed due to Storm Darragh. Lympne Castle decided to run it themselves on the following Monday to get footage for a film. This meant a change of cast as many of the planned actors were at work.
I could also not be there, but the castle managed to get the film they wanted despite the cold and rain. Some things remained consistent from last year and that was donkey trouble when one managed to escape their pen and did not want to take part at all!
Rachel Cornish
New WIFI perch for Lympne Kestrels
In August 2024, four fledgling kestrels enjoyed the 3G WIFI perch. Their parents had built up a huge depth of nest materials behind this in the tower window. To fit a new 5G WIFI perch the old nest needed to be removed.
Below shows the size of the nest and the new ‘kestrel perch’. This will enable us to have WIFI within the church and take card payment as well as provide it for church events.
Castle Green WI
Welcome to Castle Green WI
Castle Green WI held the last meeting of the year on December 13th in the Lads’ Club.
It was a cloudy and cold morning, but the room was warm and a big Christmas tree, brightly lit, gave a lovely festive air to the proceedings. The President warmly welcomed 37 members and four guests; the minutes were read and approved.
A letter was received from the Salvation Army, thanking us for the toothbrushes and toothpaste we had donated, as part of the National Resolution, to demand better dental accessibility for all. The WI has produced a zoom presentation on disabilities and is available to view. Members were reminded to let the committee know if any special needs are needed to make attending meetings easier.
Various competitions were announced and entries for the Joan Boucher Cup for writing, must be entered by 3rd January. All the sub-groups have finished for the year and all will recommence in January.
Next year’s General Conference will be held at the Kent College In Canterbury in April. Details of next year’s speakers will be available in January. The Christmas lunch will be held at Sotirio’s on Wednesday 18th December.
After the business, mulled wine, tea, coffee, and mince pies were served and greatly appreciated by all.
The speaker was Mike David, a professional magician and ex police man. He is a member of the of the Magic Circle, a very prestigious society, only open to professional magicians who have to go through a very rigorous examination to be accepted. Mike had an interest in magic from boyhood but became professional in 2019 on retiring from the police.
He gave us a brief history of the Magic Circle, which was the first magic society in the world, founded in 1905 and still based in London at Stephenson Way. There are 1504 members in 40 countries. Women were admitted as full members in 1991, and there are now 80 representing 5.3 % of membership. The first woman to be accepted was Debbie Mc Gee, wife of Paul Daniels and an excellent magician in her own right. Now the President and Vice President are women: Megan Swann and Katherine Rhodes. The society meets every Monday evening, and no member may reveal any secrets about the tricks and will lose their membership if they do. King Charles is a full member; he gained full membership as a young man. The meeting place in London can be visited and there is a museum of magic, a theatre and various meeting rooms.
The talk was very interesting and to end Mike did a couple of tricks which were very good and loudly clapped by all. It was an excellent end to our Christmas meeting.
Marjorie Mitchell
Finishing with a smile …
… This coming year I shall have my own system for labelling homemade freezer meals. I will no longer bother with labels like ‘chicken casserole’ or ‘lasagne’ or ‘steak and ale pie’. Instead, I’ll use ‘Whatever’, ‘Anything’, or ‘I Don’t Know.’ That way when I ask my family what they want for dinner, I always have it to hand!