April 2025 Newsletter

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A Letter from the Rector

Dear All,

As we navigate the complexities and challenges of our world today, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the waves of uncertainty and fear that surround us. From global events to personal struggles, the weight of worry can affect our hearts and minds. However, as followers of Jesus, we are called to be bearers of hope, standing firm in our faith even amidst adversity.

In Romans 15:13, we are reminded, “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” This scripture encourages us to lean into our faith, reminding us that hope is not merely wishful thinking but a profound trust in God’s promises.

In our community, we see countless examples of hope shining brightly. Whether it’s through acts of kindness, support for one another, or outreach initiatives, hope is alive in our church family. This month, we invite you to share your stories of hope, whether they are personal testimonies or experiences where you’ve seen God at work. We’ll highlight these stories in our next newsletter to inspire and uplift others. Please email me at rev.barry@icloud.com

We understand that many are facing personal challenges that may feel daunting. Here are a few resources that may bring comfort and encouragement:

Our prayer teams are available to pray for you. Please email me any request you have. You do not need to share personal details as God knows who you are.

As we strive to be a beacon of hope, let us remember that our actions can impact those around us. Consider reaching out to a friend or neighbours who may be struggling. A simple act of kindness, a listening ear, or a shared meal can make a world of difference.

In a world that often seems increasingly worrying, let us hold tight to the hope we have in Jesus. Together, we can create a ripple effect of hope, illuminating the darkness with His light.

“Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.” – Desmond Tutu

Have a peaceful and blessed Easter,

Rev Barry

Easter Services

Diary: St Peter and St Paul, Saltwood

St Peter and St Paul SaltwoodOur regular pattern of worship includes a service every Sunday at 10am. Usually this is Holy Communion (to which all are welcome, whether or not you choose to receive communion) with a Family Service on the fourth Sunday of each month. Other services of Holy Communion, including ‘Book of Common Prayer’ services at Saltwood and Pedlinge, are shown on the website calendar, along with all services and events for the month.

Bubble Church, for families with Toddlers, is held in the Lads’ Club at 10am on the first Sunday of the month; Sunday Club, for children aged 3 – 10 is held at 10am in the Lads’ Club, on the third Sundays in term time.


Some dates to note for your diaries:

Tuesday 1st -N.B. – Our Rector’s Day Off – and each following Tuesday

Wednesday 2nd – 14.00 – Afternoon Prayer Group at 34 Harpswood Lane

Thursday 3rd – 18.00-19.00 – 19.00 Bell Ringing Practice (and each following Thursday) & Choir Practice (and each following Thursday)

Friday 4th – N.B. – Carol Eastell’s day off – and each following Friday;
also – 09.00 – Prayer Group in the Church – and each following Friday

Sunday 6th ( Lent 5) – 08.00 – Holy Communion BCP
09.45 – Bubble Church in the Lads’ Club
09.40 – Prayer Meeting in the Lady Chapel  – and each following Sunday
10.00 – Holy Communion

Monday 7th 14.00 Monday Chats in the Lads’ Club – and each following Monday

Sunday 13th – Palm Sunday – 09.00 – Holy Communion BCP at Pedlinge
10.00 See previous item for service details

Thursday 17th – Maundy Thursday – 19.00 – See previous item for service details

Saturday 19th – 10.30 – Coffee Morning at Lympne Church

Sunday 20th – Easter Sunday –  05.45 – Churches Together Sunrise Service (see previous item)
08.00 – Holy Communion BCP
10.00 – Holy Communion

Monday 21st – N.B.  – No Monday Chats (Bank Holiday)

Wednesday 23rd  (St George’s Day) –  10.00 – 11.30 Saltwood Toddlers in the Lads’ Club – and each following Wednesday
14.00 – Cinema Club in the Lads’ Club

Thursday 24th – N.B. –  Last date for items for the May magazine

Saturday 26th – 16.00 – Taize service at Lympne

Sunday 27th (Easter 1) – 08.00 – Holy Communion BCP
10.00 – Hooba Family Service

Useful Contacts

Rector – Rev Barry Knott: Telephone: 01303 883243 email: rev.barry@icloud.com 

Church website: www.saltwoodchurch.org

Community Support Hub: 01303 269602

Parish Pastoral Support: 0300 030 1330

Children & Families Ministry (including weddings and baptisms) – Christine Clover:

Telephone: 0300 030 1662 email: christineclover@lympneandsaltwoodchurches.uk

Lads’ Club Bookings: Jan Heard 01303 266945 email: jan.entendu@gmail com

Parish Magazine: Beth Lewsey 01303 264577 email: parishmagazine@saltwoodchurch.org 

Items for the May Magazine

If you have any items for the May edition of the magazine, please forward to Beth Lewsey, by the 24th April,
by email if possible, to: parishmagazine@saltwoodchurch.org
or deliver to 20 Castle Avenue.  (Tel 01303 264577).

Saltwood Church Pastoral Group

Caring for One Another

 ‘And let us look out for one another to provoke love and good works’ (Hebrews 10:24)

Our Pastoral Group meet monthly to seek ways of offering support to those who are going through difficult or challenging times. If you know someone you are concerned about, or if you have concerns yourself, please contact us. You will always find a friendly voice and a listening ear at the end of the line. Caring for others is at the heart of Christian life and you can help us by being our eyes and ears, letting us know of anyone who is in need.

Contacts: 01303 266454             01303 883243


Our Lord has written the promise of the resurrection, not in books alone, but in every leaf in springtime.

– Martin Luther


From the Parish Records

We welcome into the family of the church:

Grace Gear, whose baptism was on 16th March


Sophie Collins, whose baptism was on 22nd March



Jeanne Doorne, who lived in School Road with her husband Brian since 1976, sadly passed away on 24th February.

Her funeral will be held on Friday 4th April,  12.30pm, at Charing Crematorium then we will meet afterwards at The Woolpack (Beefeater), just along the road at Hothfield Common, from 2pm.  It would be lovely to have as many of her friends there as possible.

In lieu of flowers the family ask that donations be made to Air Ambulance Charity Kent Surrey and Sussex.

Jo Humphris  (Jeanne’s daughter)

An Easter Prayer for April

Risen Christ,

You filled your disciples with boldness and fresh hope:

Strengthen us to proclaim your risen life and fill us with your peace,

To the glory of God the Father,





Intercessions for April

Today we pray especially for:

1              Those who live in Bartholomew Close and Lea Close
2              Those who protect us – the emergency services
3              All who worship at St Peter & St Paul and at Pedlinge
4              The Folkestone Rainbow Centre
5              The lonely, thinking particularly of those known to you
6              Those who live in Bartholomew Lane and St John’s Road
7              Those who visit our church and those who make use of it
8              Holy Trinity Folkestone, St George Folkestone, and St. Paul Sandgate
9              Our organists and choir
10           Canterbury Cathedral, Diocesan House and their staffs
11           Those who live in Hillcrest Road and Quarry Lane
12           Those who care for the church and churchyard and make them beautiful
13           The national role of the Church of England
14           St John the Baptist Folkestone
15           Our neighbours
16           Those who live in Holly Close and Mulberry Court
17           Those unsure of their future, thinking particularly of those known to you
18           St Augustine’s Primary School – staff and pupils
19           The Pilgrims Hospice
20           Families going through difficult times, thinking particularly of those known to you
21           Those who live in North Road West, North Road and Barrack Hill
22           Those parts of the world where there is war or political strife and those who suffer as a result
23           Our own benefice with St Stephen Lympne
24           His Majesty’s Government and Members of Parliament
25           Our Bubble Church families
26           Those who live in Pedlinge and Sandling
27           The terminally ill and their families, thinking particularly of those known to you
28           Our study groups
29           Other, non-Anglican, churches in the local area
30           Those who live in Sandling Road and Highfield Close

PRAYER MINISTRY on Sundays at Saltwood

Every Sunday, at the end of the morning service at Saltwood, there is an opportunity for anyone to receive prayer, with two members of our Prayer Ministry Team.  If you are concerned for someone in your family, a friend or a worrying situation, we would be honoured to pray with you.   You will not be asked any invasive questions and your request is always treated in complete confidence.   We trust you will find these prayers bring you the Lord’s blessings – as many people have already experienced.  We look forward to welcoming you in prayer.

After Easter … a poem

Don’t leave our Lord amidst the lilies
Within a hallowed sphere
Don’t praise Him only in your churches
In Easter hymn and prayer…

Keep Him beside you through
The business of ordinary days,
In the common place encounters
Along the humdrum ways.

Our Master told us very simply
What He would have us do….
He taught: “Love one another
Even as I love you.”

By Elsie Campbell


Lent Lunches

From the Parish Magazine –APRIL 2005

In April twenty years ago, Saltwood was preparing for a ‘Melody of Flowers’ Festival to be held the following month. Jan Heard was needing ‘about 200 cakes, jars of jam and chutney etc.’ William Kempson was looking for ‘objet d’art, jewellery, pottery, silverware etc’ for the ‘Sotheby’s Seconds’ stall. John Lewis was pointing out this is ‘an ideal time to dispose of surplus seedlings, young plants and cuttings’ for the plant stall, whilst Audrey Waite was asking for applications for the Art Exhibition. Laurie Maxfield was also reminding people ‘there is an opportunity to sponsor one for the flower arrangements (about £20).

In a separate article Elizabeth Pettersen wrote ‘Once again I have been very impressed by the generosity of our pupils and parents and their concern for our local community and the wider world.’ She went on to mention money raised by a tag day for the tsunami appeal; £312 raised on Red Nose Day; 53 shoe boxes sent to Eastern Europe with Christmas gifts…and many other fund raising events for good causes.

Saltwood Cinema Club

will be showing


on Wednesday 23rd April at 2pm

in the Lads’ Club

When Cardinal Lawrence is tasked with leading one of the world’s most secretive and ancient events, selecting a new Pope, he finds himself at the centre of a web of conspiracies and intrigue that could shake the very foundation of the Catholic Church.  Starring Ralph Fiennes, Stanley Tucci and John Lithgow

Cost £5 per person to include tea and cake


All proceeds to the Lads’ Club Funds


Wardens Corner

From Carol Eastell: –

 As I write this, we have already had our first Lent Lunch which was well attended and beautifully organised by Melissa and her SALT home group gang. By all accounts they enjoyed their various tasks and had many a good laugh on the way. We have three more to go and we hope you will play your part by coming along to enjoy a lunch and support our chosen missions and charities.

Lent Lunches have been a successful and enjoyable venture for a very long time. However we realise that many people who have worked hard in the church and done their bit, and it has become a bit of a problem with not enough younger folk coming through to help. But before we decide to forego future lunches for say a day of Love Offerings, is there someone who loves to organise and would enjoy heading up the overall organisation of the lunches? I love doing it and working with everyone and it is enjoyable and quite easy when you get down to it. Sadly, I am unable to continue owing to other church stuff I need to deal with. Think about it – it might be just up your street! Give it a go and be part of this enjoyable group of people.

Another opportunity to meet with others: our monthly Afternoon Prayer Group.  Penny Forsyth is waiting to welcome us on Wednesday 2 April at 2 30. We pray for up to an hour depending on the prayer needs. Her home is 34 Harpswood Lane. Prayer is the key to our Christian faith and there are such tremendous needs out there.

Monday Chats – We won’t be meeting on Easter Monday, 21 April but will be back together again on Monday 28 April. We would love to welcome you at ‘Chats’ and apart from the bank holidays and August, we meet every Monday from 2 – 4pm. Come and see for yourselves how delightful it is. Tea, coffee and delicious homemade cake are also on hand to enjoy.

From John Campbell:

A Prayer Corner – Could You Help?  We’ve been meaning for quite some time to make a lovely, peaceful space in church where people can sit and pray, reflect, or just pause. Somewhere calm and welcoming — a little oasis for anyone who needs it. It might be mums with little ones during a service, or our prayer groups midweek, or someone popping in to enjoy the quiet and the beauty around them.

We’d really love to furnish this prayer corner in a comfortable way — a sofa or two perhaps, something that says “come and sit a while.” But before we rush off to spend money, we thought we’d ask you lovely people first. Do you have a sofa in good condition that you’d be happy to donate?

We do need to be a bit careful though — please don’t be offended if we have to say no to something that’s not quite right. We’d rather not have anything too tired-looking (think hamster-nest chic!), as this is God’s house and we want everything in it to reflect care and reverence. But if you’ve got something comfy and clean that could bless others, we’d be so grateful. Just have a word with me, or Carol.

Fundraising Fun – Got Any Bright Ideas?  We’re also still on the lookout for fresh ways to raise a bit of money for the church — beyond our usual collections. We absolutely understand how tight things are right now (spare cash feels like a thing of the past!), but we thought we might be able to do something that’s not only helpful, but fun too.

Our quiz night last month was a huge success. We’ll have another one in the autumn. In the meantime we’d love to hear your thoughts and ideas. It doesn’t have to be elaborate — just something we’d all enjoy together. So do grab me, or Beth Lewsey and let us know your ideas. The more creative the better!

A Little Reminder About Days Off…  One last gentle nudge — just to say please do remember Barry and Carol’s days off. Tuesday for Barry, Friday for Carol. They don’t always manage to take them, but we really want to support them in doing so. Unless it’s a real emergency, please try not to contact them on those days — and if something genuinely can’t wait, do come to me instead.

Thanks again, all of you, for everything you do and the joy and support you bring to our church family.

And last, but by no means least, thank you to the Garden Gang. The churchyard is looking stunning and it’s down to you. Thank you so much.

From Rachel Cornish (Warden at Lympne): –

I love the Lent theme of Living Hope.

As the official Church of England theme for Lent 2025, this must have been decided on back in 2024. And yet this has been so appropriate now. When the world news and politics is depressing and worrying, it has been good to have a different perspective and the theme of Hope is certainly needed.

At Lympne this Lent and Easter we are trying three new things.

Firstly we have been having discussions on our faith and Hope at the local pub, The County Members; our faith is far too important to be kept within a church or homegroup – and it has been good to enjoy a drink and discussion for an hour on a Tuesday evening.



Secondly some of us have been rehearsing for our Good Friday Passion Play. This will be an immersive play following the Gospel accounts, which all are welcome to attend. We are making good use of the flexibility of Lympne church and are using different areas for the Garden of Gethsemane, for Caiaphas house, for Pilate’s palace, for the hill where the crucifixion happened and the tomb. We have a wide variety of people helping – a mix of actors, speakers, helpers with props, scenery and costumes. This is a very thought provoking and meaningful experience for many of us.



Thirdly, on the Saturday after Easter there will be a Taizé Song & Prayer – at 4pm in the afternoon. The worship at the Taizé Community in France is distinctive, with gentle chants sung to simple yet beautiful melodies. The peaceful singing and the times of silence have been found by many to be a great source of peace and centering in a busy world. I’ve enjoyed playing my cello in these types of services.

The flexibility of Lympne church building lends itself to the contemplative style of Taizé worship and gives a chance for many to experience this way of worshipping God.

Wi-Fi and SIM card: The Monday prayer group at Lympne this week started by looking at one of the Daily Reflections for Lent from the Living hope booklet.  “Imagine you have the latest phone, but no WI-FI or working SIM card. You cannot make an urgent call because you are not connected. Similarly, a Christian cannot fully function disconnected from a Christian community”.

Meeting together on a Sunday, during the week at homegroups or in the pub, for prayer meetings, and socially is so important. As a church making sure we provide opportunities for people to connect in different ways is important. If you have any ideas , let me know.

STOP PRESSGOLD Award! – Lympne is the 1st church in Canterbury Diocese to gain the Gold EcoCHurch Award. More details next month.

And I’m delighted to announce that I will no longer be the only churchwarden at Lympne as Chris Laker has been elected as the other churchwarden.

St Stephen’s Church, Lympne

Services and Events in April

Sunday 6th – Holy Communion – 11.00
Palm Sunday 13th = Hooba family Service – 11.00
Good Friday 18th – Passion Play – 16.00
Saturday 19th – Coffee Morning – 10.30
Easter Sunday 20th – Easter Holy Communion – 11.00
Saturday 26th – Taize Song and Praise – 16.00
Sunday 27th – Holy Communion – 11.00

Weekly Events in church:

Mondays 12:-30-1pm (every other week) – Prayer Meeting

Mondays 19:30-21:30 – Bell ringing Practice

Saturday mornings 10:30 – 12:30 Eco group working churchyard (when dry)

Tuesday evenings at The County Members

On 1st April and 8th April from 7-8pm

Discussion over a drink  – on our faith and Hope.

Lympne Fellowship

We were delighted to welcome Corinne Kerbey and Shea from the Kent Fire & Rescue Service to our meeting in March with very good advice regarding fire safety in our homes.  As well as giving talks to  groups and doing home assessments, they also visit schools to provide education on fire safety to pupils and staff.  Kent Fire & Rescue Service receive a high volume of 999 calls.  To minimise these, they ask that we all take note of the following:

Main Causes of Fires:  Cooking, candles, cigarettes, distraction (eg whilst cooking), charging electronics.  NEVER CHARGE PHONES OVERNIGHT.

Smoke Alarms:  All homes should be fitted with these, which should be tested once a week, vacuumed twice a year, and replaced every 10 years – check the expiry date and place a sticker on the side of the alarms.

Escape Plan:  Plan escape routes (a,b,c) and ensure overnight visitors are aware.  Close internal doors on your way out!  Keep keys/walking aids near escape route.

To book a home fire safety visit phone 0800 923 7000

Lympne Fellowship normally meets at 1.15pm in the Harry Margary Hall on the 2nd Thursday of the month, with a programme of interesting and informative talks and activities.  For further information about our group, please contact Jill Page on 07846 819693.



 10.30 am  – 12.30pm

 Join us to celebrate Easter over coffee, cake & savoury bakes

Take a break from those preparations/walk

 (Well-behaved dogs welcome)

Catch up with old friends and new

Proceeds to maintenance of the church plus a donation to this month’s nominated charity:


SHAL: Studying History and Archaeology in Lympne

Our speaker for the March meeting was Wendy Fraser who gave a fascinating account of Aqueducts and Fountains of Rome.

The first Aqueduct was the Aqua Appia in 312 BC, which took 12 years to complete. The water’s uses were for drinking, hygiene, cooking, irrigation, grinding corn and for cattle. The fountains of Rome were all operated by gravity with a difference in elevation and distance between the source and the terminus. The materials they used in construction were curved bricks or bricks crushed into concrete, and watertight and durable plaster with lead piping from Britain and wooden beams about 6 metres long. They used slaves to construct the archways with two water channels on top of each other.

The second to be constructed was the Aqua Anya Vetus 272-269BC with the third being Aqua Marcia 69 miles long. Other aqueducts followed such as Tepula with tepid, lukewarm water, Aqua Virgo, still working today, and others, Claudia in 52ADTriano in 109AD. There were then built 11 major Fountains in total whilst the emperor in 33 AD tried to address Waterless deserted Rome. In later times in the 15th century new Aquas were built such as Roman Nasoni called Big Noses. Talking fountains were then constructed such as Galleon Fountain, Trevi Fountain whilst Fountains of Rome were attached to Aqueducts.

Wendy’s comprehensive talk was well received by our members.

At the next meeting on Tuesday 15 April at 7.30 pm in the Harry Margary Hall our speaker will be Nathalie Cohen, archaeologist in the National Trust who will give a talk on the excavations at Smallhythe which was the famous site of the medieval boatbuilding industry.

Folkestone Choral Society

Castle Green WI


 Our new President Christine Farquhar welcomed forty-one members and two guests to the March meeting. The record of the last meeting was approved and signed.

The treasurer presented the 2025/2026 budget which was accepted by the members.

The subgroups all met in March.  Eleven members of the Lunch Club held a successful meeting at The Red Lion in Hythe!

There was a good response from members for the proposed Garden group and more information will be available at the April meeting.

The resolution to be put forward at the NFWI AGM in June is *Bystanders can be Lifesavers” and it will be discussed at our May meeting led by Dawn. Croissants and jam will be served afterwards!

Biddy’s Bluebells. Biddy will be welcoming members for a walk through the bluebell woods followed by coffee on April 28th at 10.30am.

A Summer outing is in the planning stages.

Sales Table. The theme for the April sales table is craft materials.

Barbara B had completed a Kaffe Fassett designed cushion which was donated by Barbara Thorburn’s husband; it was raffled and raised £60.00 for the Ashford Pilgrims Hospice. Also on display were quilts made by the Patchwork Group which will go to an orphanage in Ukraine.

After coffee/tea cake and catching up with friends we welcomed Tracie Fulton whose talk was entitled “The history of Midwifery” sub-titled’ a little trip through time’.

Tracie told us that the first mention of a midwife was in the Old Testament and that in the first book on the subject it was written that a midwife should have “gentle hands, the eyes of a hawk and the heart of a lion.” In the Middle Ages midwives were often thought to be witches and some were brought to trial. Gradually through the years midwifery was recognised as a profession and a code of practice was drawn up. This was an interesting talk with amusing asides from Tracie who answered several questions from members. Romany gave the vote of thanks.

The next meeting will be on Friday April 11th when Josie Chisholm will lead a felt flower workshop.

We are open to new members so please come along as a guest or see our website.

Margaret Alcock

Finishing with a Smile …

and an important reminder!

… Pontius Pilate: “Joseph, I really don’t understand you. You’re one of the richest men in the region, and you’ve just spent a fortune on that new tomb for you and your family – and now you want to suddenly give it to this man Jesus?”

Joseph: “Well it’s just for the weekend.”